Q&A Updates From The Developers!
Plarium recently shared answers to some Q&A questions from a round table discussion with select content creators, offering a glimpse into the future of RAID: Shadow Legends. Topics covered included Tournaments, Hydra, Chimera, and even potential fun ideas like adding Emojis to Live Arena!
In this article, we’ll summarize the key points revealed. For Nub Raids’ thoughts on these topics, be sure to watch the video linked below.
Let’s dive into the highlights from the Q&A!
Oil And Extracts
I am bringing great news! I’m happy to share that Oils and Extracts will be getting their Mixer! While it may not arrive as soon as you’d like (and we know this has been a frequent request), your feedback has driven the developers to analyse potential solutions. After extensive consideration and testing, they’ve concluded that adding the highly requested Oil and Extract Mixer to the game is the way forward. To manage expectations, we’re looking at a potential release timeframe in the summer.
This tournament is happening! While there’s no ETA yet, it is coming, and more information will be shared closer to its release.
We haven’t forgotten about this! As we’ve mentioned before, it’s a feature that both you, the community, and we would love to see in Raid. But before we move forward, we’re excited to roll out Live Arena Seasons and see how you enjoy it. Depending on how things go, unranked battles might become a reality!
We’ve passed along all your feedback, including suggestions for more controls for clan leaders, concerns about rank boosting, and even the request for a detailed list of attacks used. The developers have promised to explore possible options to further improve this game mode.
As Hydra continues to be a topic of your feedback, we wanted to share a few updates:
- The game designers are currently working on fixing champions’ AI to enhance gameplay.
- Quick-Battles are on the way and will soon be introduced to the game.
- The Devs have also acknowledged feedback about Hydra feeling less enjoyable. They’ll be exploring ways to improve the experience moving forward.
The game designers have acknowledged your concerns regarding these Advanced Quests and will investigate potential solutions.
Classic Arena
- Blind Reset: The developers are open to this option, but there’s no ETA yet, as it requires significant development.
- Rotating Reset: While still under review, technical limitations currently prevent its implementation. However, the devs are actively searching for solutions.
Emojis for Live Arena
The Devs liked this idea and agreed it would be a fun addition. They plan to consider it for future updates.
That’s all for today! We’re looking forward to your future feedback and want to thank you for being an amazing part of our community. Stay tuned for more updates!
I really hope they will do something about when looking through champions that you can have a filter that only shows champions who are wearing artifacts