Ban Overview

The ruler of Benoic, a small country in Francia, as well as the brother of King Bors and father of Lancelot. Ban lives up to his moniker as the “lion King” in every sense: a brash and proud man, for better or worse. He came precariously close to losing his crown to his aunt Queen Claudas, though was able to fend her off her brainwashing with Arthur Pendragon’s help. As thanks, he and Bors subsequently became Arthur’s allies.
Ban Passives

On the Prowl
When attacking, there is an 80% chance to do the following:
Grants [Defense Increase I] to Bors for 4 turn(s).
Charge Ban’s Attack Gauge by 30%.
Passive Upgrades
Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Level 3: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Lion's Rage
After triggering a Critical Strike:
Gain [Attack Speed Increase I] for 2 turn(s).
Passive Upgrades
Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Level 3: No. of ATK Speed Increase Turns +1
Passive Upgrades
Ban Relics

Ban Chivalry

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