Claudas Overview

Claudas is the ruler of Berry, a small country in Francia better known as the “wasteland”. She converts the territories of her nephews King Ban and King Bors and will stop at nothing to claim them. Known for her daring and greedy personality, she is notorious for inciting all manner of wars and conflicts yet enjoys absolute support from her subjects.
Claudas Passives

Cold-blooded Hunter
70% chance to trigger after an ally attacks:
100% chance to gain [Attack Speed Increase I] for 2 turn(s).
Passive Upgrades
Level 2: No. of ATK Speed Increase Turns +1
Savage Technique
90% chance to trigger when using Skill 1 if you have [Attack Speed Increase]:
100% chance to reduce target’s Attack Gauge by 10%.
Passive Upgrades
Level 2: Passive Activation Rate +10%
Level 3: Attack Gauge Decrease +10%
Incite Madness
80% chance to trigger when using Skill 3 while having [Attack Speed Increase].
100% chance to gain [Effect Accuracy Increase II] for 1 turn(s).
100% chance to gain [Amplification] for 1 turn(s).
Passive Upgrades
Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Level 3: Passive Activation Rate +20%
Level 4: No. of Effect Accuracy Increase Turns +1, No. of Amplification Turns +1
Claudas Relics

Claudas Chivalry

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