Finn Overview
A British farmer who turns to a life of crime by joining Marion’s revived Dusk Hoods, a criminal organization which shards its name – but none of its morals – with another group which Bedivere both founded and dissolved thirty years ago.
Finn Passives
Sleight of Hand
When using Skill 1:
Removes 1 [Defence Increase] from the target if you have [Defence Increase].
Gain [Effect Accuracy Increase I] for 2 turn(s)
Passive Upgrades
Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -2
Aiming for the Tendon
When using Skill 3:
Grants [Rogue’s Tactics] to the ally with the lowest current HP for 2 turn(s).
Passive Upgrades
Level 2: No. of Rogues Tactics Turns +1
Level 3: Max Uses +1
Level 4: Passive Cooldown Time -2