

Attack Hero in King ArthurBull Hero in King ArthurBenefits from Heat Environments in King Arthur
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Gawain Overview

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The eldest son of King Lot. Gawain is said to be blessed by the sun, and he does in fact possess powers and abilities that surpass those of ordinary folk, at least during the daytime. He has nary a dishonorable bone in his body, and even stood against his own father’s attempts to usurp the throne of Britain. He values order above all else and despises those whose ambition threatens that hard-won peace.

Gawain Passives

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Searing Blessing

Use Limit: 2

At the start of the battle:
100% chance to gain [Knight of May] for the rest of the battle, as long as the weather is [Day].
100% chance to gain [Knight of May] for the rest of the battle, as long as the weather is [Heat].
50% chance to gain [Hit Accuracy Increase I] for 1 turn(s).

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: Max Uses +5
Level 3: Max Uses +8


Cooldown: 1
Use Limit: 1

When using Skill 3:

100% chance to change the weather to [Day / Heat].

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: Max Uses +1, Passive Cooldown Time +7

Sun Stone

Use Limit: 1

At the start of battle:

100% chance to gain [Blessing] for 1 turn(s).

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: No. of Blessing Turns +1
Level 3: No. of Blessing Turns +1
Level 4: Max Uses +1

Gawain Relics

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Gawain Chivalry

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Latest King Arthur: Legends Rise

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