

Attack Hero in King ArthurSerpent Hero in King ArthurBenefits from Heat Environments in King Arthur
Hero Model in Viewer

Iweret Overview

King Arthur Spacer

A witch whose horned appearance is said to be born of a demonic pact.
Though she does not care for the rumors, her powers over death are often misunderstood.
She is a firm believe that the ends justify the means, no matter how extreme.
Among her fellow mages, opinion of her is split: she is either a bold genius, or a demon’s bride.

Iweret Passives

King Arthur Spacer

Power of the Dead God

Cooldown: 4

When attacking:
100% independent chance to grant each [Serpent’s Favor] ally [CS Rate Increase II] for 2 turn(s).

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Level 3: Passive Cooldown Time -1

Black Magic: Distortion

Cooldown: 5
Use Limit: 7

Upon Critical Strike:
100% chance to gain [Black Magic: Wrath] for 3 turn(s).
100% chance to charge Attack Gauge by 50%.

Passive Upgrades

Black Magic: Overload

Cooldown: 4

When attacking while you have [Black Magic: Wrath]:
100% chance to charge Attack Gauge by 100%.
100% chance to gain [Prepare Black Magic: Tracking].

Passive Upgrades

Iweret Relics

King Arthur Spacer

Iweret Chivalry

King Arthur Spacer

Latest King Arthur: Legends Rise

King Arthur Spacer