

Attack Hero in King ArthurCrow Hero in King ArthurBenefits from Squall Environments in King Arthur
Hero Model in Viewer

Jan Overview

King Arthur Spacer

A knight wholly devoted to reaching King Lot’s goals. Thus, he commits vicious acts without remorse and religiously follows Lot’s orders

Jan Passives

King Arthur Spacer

Push an Advantage

At the start of battle:

  • 100% chance to inflict [Defence Decrease II] for 2 turn(s).

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: No. of DEF Decrease Turns +1

Final Words

After Dying

  • Grants all allies [Attack Increase I] for 4 turn(s),
  • Grants [Vanguard] to [Uriens] for 3 turn(s).
  • Grants [Charge Order] to [Lot] for 3 turn(s)

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: No. of Charge Order Turns +1
Level 3: No. of Vanguard Turns +1
Level 4: No. of Vanguard Turns +1, No. of Charge Order Turns +1

Passive Upgrades

Jan Relics

King Arthur Spacer

Jan Chivalry

King Arthur Spacer

Latest King Arthur: Legends Rise

King Arthur Spacer