

Control Hero in King ArthurSteed Hero in King ArthurBenefits from Rain Environments in King Arthur
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Lancelot Overview

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When Lancelot was just a newborn, his father, King Ban, entrusted him to Vivian, the lady of the Lake, to keep him safe while his father was away at war. Lancelot has since grown to adulthood and considers Lady Vivian his mother, and he serves her as the knight of the Lake, representing her Fay court in dealings with outsiders, He loves Guinevere, but does not know how to tell her how he feels.

Lancelot Passives

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Presaged Rainstorm

Cooldown: 1
Use Limit: 1

When using Skill 3:
Change the weather to [Rain].
Gain [Damage Dealt Increase II] until the weather is no longer Rain.

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: Max Uses +1, Passive Cooldown Time +7

The Lake's Grace

Cooldown: 4

When hit while weather is [Rain]:

100% chance to gain [Shield: 15% of Max HP] for 2 turn(s).

100% chance to gain [Recovery Over Time] for 2 turn(s).

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: No. of Recovery over time Turns +1, No. of Shield Turns +1
Level 3: Passive Cooldown Time -1

Knight of the Lake's Challenge

Cooldown: 4

When attacking while weather is [Rain]:

100% chance to inflict [DOT Taken Increase I] on the selected target for 2 turn(s).

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Level 3: No. of DOT Taken Increase Turns +1
Level 4: Passive Cooldown Time -1

Lancelot Relics

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Lancelot Chivalry

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Latest King Arthur: Legends Rise

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