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Vivian Overview

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Queen of the Summer Forest and master of the Lake Palace where the Summer Forest Fays reside, as well as Lancelot’s adoptive mother. When Claudas attacked the Kingdom of Benoic, Vivian brought the princesses Lionel and Bohort to the Lake Palace to protect them. She is friendly toward humans and willing to work with Arthur to protect Britain.

Vivian Passives

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Holy Water's Blessing

Cooldown: 3

When using a recovery skill:

  • 100% independent chance to grant each [Steed’s Favor] ally [Attack Speed Increase I] for 3 turn(s).

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Level 3: No. of ATK SPD Increase Turns +1
Level 4: Passive Cooldown Time -1

Ethereal Breeze

Cooldown: 2

When using a skill

  • 100% independent chance to reduce all passive cooldowns of each ally that has [Recovery Over Time] by 1 turn(s).

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1
Level 3: Passive Cooldown Time -1

Counterattack Spell

Cooldown: 2

When an ally is hit:

  • 100% chance to inflict [Counterattack] on the attacker.

Passive Upgrades

Level 2: Passive Cooldown Time -1

Vivian Relics

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Vivian Chivalry

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Latest King Arthur: Legends Rise

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