Developer Q&A
Published On: January 26, 2024
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Dragonheir Developer Q&A – Massive changes coming?!


Dragonheir Season 2 is well underway, in fact, we’re now into the second half of the season, and many players have found themselves with a lot of questions about what is going to happen in the future of the game, well, your questions may now be answered (either today or in a future Q&A) as Dragonheir has published a Developer Q&A, answering questions that have been frequently asked in the community.

Lets dive in and see what concerns they have addressed in the first Developer Q&A Instalment.

Developer Q&A – 26/01/2024


Season 2 is halfway through. We are delighted to see you so active in Adenthia. To thank you for your love and support, we’ve added more in-game content and benefits, including:

Lunar Halo Convergence:
This event offers three game modes: Moonlight Dungeon, Summon to Get Shards, and Continental Challenge, which can yield lots of growth
materials and Lunar Halo Shards. By collecting Lunar Halo Shards, you can exchange them for Heliolite Dice, Starlight Stone Dice, Ardreth (a
legendary hero), and other rare rewards from the Lunar Halo Shop!

Quick Combat:
We added Multiplied Challenge Tickets, which you can earn from Moonlight Dungeon and other events. This item lets you spend 2x Stamina
and earn double the settlement rewards from quick combat.

Additionally, the developers of Dragonheir: Silent Gods heard your voice. They are here to answer some of the most discussed questions from you:


About Heroes


I hope the NPC, Mutated Sacredeia, can one day become a playable hero for us to draw and collect.


Sacredeia is indeed a new hero in the making. You’ll meet her soon. Generally speaking, most of the in-game NPCs will eventually become playable heroes of various rarities, so stay tuned for news about the design of this hero.


Some elements are imbalanced, especially Necrosis which is too weak. I hope the game can see more balance-related changes.


Balancing issues are also on top of our priority list, and we are aware that we haven’t made a lot of changes when it comes to hero balancing. However, for future new heroes, we will prioritize designing more powerful heroes for the weaker elements, so stay tuned.


Rose fails as a healer in Temporal Vortex. I hope you can improve this hero.


Roger that. Regarding this, we’re already planning to make updates to this hero. More details will be announced soon.

Game Modes


Temporal Vortex and 3v3 team-based arena games take long. I hope we can speed up these battles too.


Roger that! We’re hard at work developing relevant features. Meanwhile, we encourage you to share more feedback with us.


I hope there are more filter for the Gallery feature. such as Buff Dispels. Debuff Dispels, and Healing so we can find the ones we want easier and faster.


Thank you for the suggestion. We’ll see which filter options you use the most and add them to the Gallery.


I think it’s a good idea to add more game modes that require teamwork.


We are developing new team-based game modes, so stay tuned!


I think it’s a good idea to make surplus Imprint Stones useful.


We have something planned for you to use your surplus Imprint Stones. so please be patient with us and stay tuned for relevant news.



It takes quite some time to clear stages. Do you have plans to resolve this and make things move faster?


Of course. Regarding this, we’ve implemented a Quick Combat: Multiplied Challenge feature. You can play events such as Moonlight Dungeon to earn Multiplied Challenge Tickets to access this feature. Additionally. we have other plans to speed up your in-game progress. Your ideas and suggestions matter in this regard, so keep them coming.


Season 2 hasn’t offered enough new content, and things can get and I hope to see more new in-game content!


We’ve received feedback from many players about the lack of content in season 2, and the seasonal mechanics only make matters worse. Currently. the developers are hard at work trying to develop more seasonal content with high-replay value.

Additionally. the in-game trailer of our second collaboration event is now available! Ihe D&D collaboration hero this time is Elminster. Who will be here to meet you on February 23!


The game has almost no events or rewards planned for Lunar New Year. Not only that, season 2 lacks events for us to upgrade or rebuild our teams, and there are only a few new maps. I hope the developers can focus on these issues.


The seasonal EXP mechanic has more potential to be explored. and the game development has indeed come to a bottleneck. But rest assured because our goals and expectations for the game remain unchanged. In season 2, we realized how important it is to add more unique, in-depth content to each new season.


That’s about it for this Developer Q&A session. A big thank-you to everyone who made their voice heard. Adenthia is a more enchanting place because of you!

Meanwhile, we encourage you to send your feedback and suggestions on various platforms.

The Dragonheir: Silent Gods team will do  its best to polish the game according to your expectations and bring you a more awesome gaming experience.

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1 year ago

These are real paywalls to speak about: All the seasonal events except 2 are Heliolite Summonig Events this is crazy when you have to buy those dice for events!! In Lunar you need to pull 60 dice to get all the shards and how you can think we can do D&D event when we have no way to get Heliolites doing the daylies and week missions, even the login rewards are so bad the you don’t get even 1 Heliolite every months.. worst the Raid!!! The other ingame bottleneck are the scrolls there’s noway to get legendaries ones out of the pass and 1 in the exchange shop with 14 days reset.. to play you must spend a lot of cash for grinding nightmare.. the season 2 new content last at maximun 1 week.. then only grinding with the lowest rate in getting gears i had ever seen in a game!!!
I’m in Increscent III S2 server and a lot of peoples are quitting… peoples from Beta Season that whaled S1 .. The above chat it’s all then a B.ull.S.hit…

Jarppi Skarppi
Jarppi Skarppi
1 year ago

Very good game already, they keep updating it frequently. They also listen to the community and are making the game actually better, not worse like payrium. Game is also very f2p friendly, no paywalls at all. Also correcting Torhilds allegations, because we must play totally different game.
In Raid, last nail to the coffin for me was mythical champs, the way they implemented them and those “special” banners, must be the most ridiculous way that i’ve ever seen in any gacha game. All their “updates” are ONLY for whales. I’m VERY happy that I got rid of Raid months ago already and definitely not coming back. Their greediness is so disgusting.
I prefer to play way more generous gachas like Dragonheir and Honkai: Star rail. Those games also have so much content, they are not only slot machines like Raid. So many players and content creators have already moved to Dragonheir from Raid so welcome everyone! HellHades I really hope to see you there aswell.