Epic Artifact Tierlist – Dragonheir: Silent Gods
Artifacts become such an essential part of our builds in Dragonheir Silent Gods after reaching rank 3 on a hero, but without having prior experience, it’s a difficult task to know exactly which artifacts are worth investing in, and what will benefit you the most.
In today’s article, our aim is to provide that experience and knowledge to you, to use as a reference point when making the decision of which artifact to use, and or buy for your heroes going forwards.
With there being so many artifacts in the game, we’ll break this down into each rarity, having previously covered the rare artifacts, it’s time for the Epic Artifacts!
Epic Artifacts Tierlist:
Epic Artifacts can be obtained through the Artifact store, with a currency that you obtain via collecting duplicate rare heroes in Dragonheir.
These are the next big step in your hero development and will be much more attainable than Legendary Artifacts, so knowing the ones to look out for is really important.
Air Globe
First up we’ve got one of the Element specific artifacts, and unfortunately, we can round all of these into one category, and that’s not great! Whilst these can in theory work before you’re able to upgrade the skills of your heroes, they don’t pose a lasting value, outside of the stats they provide, which can be acquired from much more beneficial artifacts.
Ancestor’s Candle
The Ancestors candle is a great artifact if you have a hero who you need to frequently cycle their Battle Skill, which can be particularly useful on heroes who place important debuffs or heal with their skill, whilst it is not quite as valuable as its Ultimate Counterpart, since that doesn’t reduce the cooldown, it just boosts your Ultimate Energy.
Antinaya’s Tiara
Antinaya’s Tiara is a top-tier artifact for heroes who cast shields based on their enlightenment, such as Adolphus who I use practically everywhere – this artifact compliments him perfectly, as well as many other support heroes.
There’s really no alternative to rare or epic artifacts for heroes like Adolphus.
Arcane Music Box
Arcane Music Box is a great artifact for damage dealers providing they are in a team that fully utilizes shields, with a high uptime – as you will nearly always gain a 20% Damage Bonus once fully upgraded, I personally use this in Vortex on one of my two damage dealers, because Adolphus keeps nearly permanent uptime on the shield, and it’s always up in time for their Ultimate Skill.
Crown of the Unclean
The single, most important Epic Artifact you could ever buy – this is the FIRST that every player should pick up as soon as they get their first Epic Dupe, as Artifacts are the only way in the game to apply Defense Penalty.
This will significantly enhance your damage on bosses notably, and where possible should be used on a multi-hitting ultimate hero, but it does require accuracy so make sure you’ve got plenty!
Harpy’s Nail
This artifact is a solid choice for heroes who deal a large amount of damage on their passive skill, since just like the Eyeball of the Giant it provides a great boost, as well as a huge amount of attack from its stats, keep an eye out for heroes with deal good damage from their passive, and consider this artifact for them!
Manticore Statue
This artifact is a solid choice for heroes who deal a large amount of damage on their battle skill, since just like the Eyeball of the Giant is provides a great boost, as well as a huge amount of attack from its stats, keep an eye out for heroes with strong battle skill multipliers and consider this artifact for them!
Mask of the Lark
This Artifact in my opinion is not the most practical, as to get full use out of it, you will need to maintain 5 buffs on the user, which is not easily done at the best of times, so for that reason I am rating it quite lowly, but in the event you are able to maintain a large amount of buffs, a 15% constant damage reduction could see some great use for your tanks!
Mirror of the Living
Next we’ve got another incredibly good healing artifact, gaining 30% extra healing whilst healing your team who are low on health is always going to be valuable, as that’s when they need it the most! I use this on my healers all the time, as it also comes with great stats with both HP% and DEF.
Phoenix Feather
Another artifact that on paper, could be quite strong, but I personally don’t like the fact that you’ve got to be under 50% HP for it to trigger, whilst granted, 40% ATK is a large chunk to gain, I don’t like playing into the fact that you are hoping your damage dealers drop to low health, especially when the Artifact itself boosts your Defense, rather than ATK – which in a way is counterproductive towards being under 50% HP – I just don’t see this is a very valuable artifact.
Scarab Amulet
Just like the Platinum Knight Shield, this artifact is great for tanks, giving them a huge amount of stats passively, and also the extra security of a massive shield when they drop low, it can really help as a safety blanket to buy you a bit of time for your healer to top them up when taking large amounts of damage.
Silverstar Horseshoe
This artifact is an incredibly strong option for Dauntless Damage Dealers because of the amount of Attack Speed you will gain, with an incredibly high uptime due to how frequently they do basic attacks (most of their battle and ultimate skills also count as basic attacks)
You will gain nearly 50% permanent attack speed which is huge, whilst also gaining attack AND Crit Damage.
Spiritual Incense Burner
Spiritual Incense Burner is a great option for debuffers, to reduce their Ultimate cooldown, especially if you’re struggling to get them under a required breakpoint for boss timings, I use this artifact a lot, as it helps to tune teams without the need for skill scrolls that are hard to come by!
Vile Ink
Vile ink is TOP TIER for any Derivative Damage Dealer, especially heroes like Flora, without having her Exclusive Artifact, this is the next best thing for Vortex, as the Legendary alternative scales from distance to the target, and in Vortex you can’t gain much benefit from that due to the limited tile spaces.
Not only does this make you deal 35% extra Derivative Damage, but you’re also gaining a huge boost to your attack stats with this artifact.
Wine of Dragon Blood
Lastly, the Wine of Dragonblood is another exceptional Dauntless Artifact, with a huge boost to Attack Speed, whilst also increasing your Critical Rate, allowing you to build with only 80%, with very high uptime of the Critical Rate buff, this will allow you to focus on other stats in your build and amplify your damage.
Let us know what you think of these ratings for the Epic Artifact Tierlist in the comments below!