Warcraft Rumble Blizzcon

Warcraft Rumble – Blizzcon 2023 Recap

Warcraft Rumble has been officially announced and released fully to the public as of Blizzcon 2023, which took place the weekend of November 3, 2023. The game was previously playable in certain regions like Canada and Australia, among a few others, but will now be available in most regions as well.

This was mainly treated as an opportunity to showcase the game officially for the first time, as Blizzard took a very different approach than they did with their last mobile release adaptation, Diablo Immortal. Blizzard didn’t do much marketing or do extensive beta access versions this time.

There were also many teasers of upcoming content that will be added to the game.

Upcoming new content

This is a full list of what was officially confirmed by Blizzard to be upcoming new content in the future for Warcraft Rumble:

  • A constant rotation of 6-week seasons that will feature things players can earn, like new Leaders, new Minis, new cosmetics, and bonus resources.
  • Campaign modes and areas to expand on the existing PvE Campaign.
  • PvP modes like 2v2
  • Group Dungeons called Raids
  • Co-Op Arclight Surges
  • More Cosmetics
  • Replays of Matches
  • Global PvP Leaderboards

The release of Warcraft Rumble is being received mostly positively, and the changes upcoming that were announced at Blizzcon23 will make the game much more expansive.

Warcraft Rumble Blizzcon

Blizzard showcased some artwork of what the first addition to the campaign will look like, which will be Moonglade, which in lore is where the Tauren and Night Elves coexist with their shared affinity for nature.

Warcraft Rumble Blizzcon

The new dungeon, Scholomance, was also shown to give players an idea of the aesthetic and bosses that will be added to the Dungeon rotation where players can level up their leader synergies.

Final Thoughts:

For being a brand new game that was just released this weekend, it’s very promising to see that there is already a lot of new content coming to the game that provides more avenues for people to play together in not only PvP but also PvE.

Replays being added to the game is very important, because this has been one of the biggest complaints from the playerbase. Not having any sort of match history or the ability to see information on matches you have played can be very frustrating, but Blizzard confirmed this will be addressed soon.

For Warcraft Rumble to be successful long-term, it will need to appeal to both casual and serious gamers, while providing a wide array of both PvP and PvE content. It seems clear that they are taking this very seriously with the amount of content that they are committing to add to the game as early as the release weekend. The canvas is there for a really solid game, so if the updates and content are done effectively and efficiently, Warcraft Rumble should be a staple in the industry for years to come.

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1 year ago

Well HH always had other games which are getting their reviews / postings especially for the first 1-2 months after release. I expect Dragonheir and also Warcraft Rumble to dissapear here on this website before christmas.