Celestial Alternative Summons 6
Published On: October 27, 2023
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Dragonheir: Silent Gods – Celestial Alternate Summons 6


Today marks the start of the Celestial Alternate Summons 6, an event that allows you to select a specific Legendary Hero to boost the chances of obtaining them from your Heliodite Dice, from a limited pool.

Typically, these events are not good, as they work on a separate Mercy System to the normal Heliodite Summons, and for players who are missing a wide range of Legendary Heroes, it is considered smarter to continue to open your Heliodite Dice on the Standard Heliodite Summon rather than a banner.

Banners are great for krakens however, to target specific heroes they want to collect, or gather more copies to inspire, but that’s about where it ends, as collecting a minimum of 35 Heliodite Dice for your average player is a difficult task, and physically impossible in the short window of these events without dipping into your bank account.

Who’s involved in Celestial Alternate Summons 6?

There are several Legendaries who get boosted rates, for this event they are:

There is also a select pool of Epic Heroes available for each of these events, check the in-game tab for more information on which epics are available this time!

Event Rules:

As the event starts, you can choose any Legendary Hero from the event to be ‘Blessed’. If the Summoned Legendary Hero is not the Blessed one you’ve selected, the chances of obtaining your Blessed Hero will be increased.

Chance increase rule:

After summoning a non-blessed Legendary Hero, the chances of obtaining a blessed one will be increased to 2/4/10/20 times the initial rate, 20 times at most.

After obtaining the blessed one, the chances will be restored to the initial rate. Only one blessed hero can be obtained during the event.

The blessed hero cannot be changed upon being selected.

If no hero is selected to receive the blessing, the chances will not be increased.


If you’re going for the Celestial Alternate Summons 6 – Best of luck! 

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