Published On: June 17, 2024
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Dragonheir: Silent Gods Season 4 Heroes: Damage Dealers


Dragonheir Season 4 has arrived, bringing a wealth of new content, including 25 new Heroes. This season expands on existing damage types, enhancing the game’s depth and strategy.

In this article, we are going to be going through all of the new Dragonheir Season 4 Damage Dealers coming to the game, with some very standout Epics up for grabs!



Shahla is a radiance Aura Hero focused on boosting the damage of her Aura peers. Her passive skill enhances crit damage for herself and the Aura ally with the highest attack and then boosts her own ultimate energy. Shahla’s battle skill grants Aura energy deals radiant damage and gains additional effects in Blaze State. Her ultimate skill releases an energy wave that bounces between enemies, dealing significant radiant damage and providing extra Aura energy. Shahla’s abilities make her a versatile enabler, boosting her team’s damage output and efficiency in battles as well as providing a good amount of damage herself.



Thalorian is a Dauntless Epic Hero known for his high attack speed and multi-hit capabilities. His passive skill increases the chance of triggering double hits with each basic attack. Thalorian’s battle skill strikes an enemy twice, dealing lightning damage and granting attack speed boosts to Dauntless allies. His ultimate skill delivers four strikes, each dealing substantial lightning damage, and guarantees the next five basic attacks will double hit. Thalorian’s abilities make him a formidable damage dealer, enhancing the overall attack speed and effectiveness of Dauntless teams.



Orfenna is a Thunderbolt Legendary Hero known for her ability to enable the Exclusive Legendary Hero, Perkunte. Her passive skill refreshes the Electrocuted status and triggers additional Thunderbolt damage. Orfenna’s battle skill strikes enemies multiple times, dealing significant lightning damage and inflicting Electrocuted status. Her ultimate skill puts her into overload mode, boosting attack speed and enabling her basic attacks to shoot extra bullets, each dealing heavy lightning damage. Orfenna’s abilities make her a powerful damage dealer, ideal for maximizing Thunderbolt effects and one of the strongest enablers for Perkunte. Maybe we will see a jump in value from Thunderbolt in Dragonheir Season 4!


Haldy is a Rare Thunderbolt Hero focused on enhancing accuracy and enlightenment whilst inflicting large amounts of Electrocute on his enemies. His passive skill grants accuracy to all Thunderbolt allies, increasing their effectiveness in battles. Haldy’s battle skill deals lightning damage with a chance to inflict electrocution. His ultimate skill delivers significant lightning damage to multiple enemies, inflicts Electrocuted status, and boosts enlightenment for allies. Haldy’s abilities make him a strong enabling hero, optimizing the performance of Thunderbolt teams.



Mera is an Epic necrosis Summon Hero accompanied by her trusty Phantom Eater summon. Her passive skill summons a Phantom Eater that assists in battle and shares buffs with her. Mera’s battle skill commands the Phantom to attack, dealing necrotic damage to enemies with the highest attack. Her ultimate skill boosts her attack, directs the Phantom to target high-attack enemies, and can resummon the Phantom if it dies. Mera’s abilities make her a fairly strong option for summon teams, even if they are lacklustre.

Ice Blast


Miro is a Legendary Ice Blast Hero who pumps up his own Critical Damage by placing a debuff called Map Pins up to a maximum of 5, which then grants him 60% Ignore Defense. Miro’s battle skill deals cold damage and with a viable enabler, he will repeatedly spam the ability. His ultimate skill delivers high cold damage and converts damage dealt into HP. Miro’s abilities make him a powerful damage dealer, especially effective in prolonged single-target fights where he can maximize his Map Pins stacks!


Nadja bursts onto the scene as a brand new Epic Ice Blast Hero capable of dethroning the former MVP, Gerthin. Her passive skill empowers the rest of her abilities when she has over 3 Ice Crystals active. Nadja’s battle skill deals cold damage and increases with the number of ice crystals she possesses. Her ultimate skill throws an ice lance, inflicting significant cold damage and increasing her attack. Nadja’s abilities make her a strong damage dealer, who claims the throne as one of the best Epic damage dealers in the game and probably the most exciting addition of the Dragonheir Season 4 Damage Dealers.


Roberta is a Rare Ice Blast Hero who specialises in defence penetration and consistent damage output. Her passive skill allows her to repeat her battle skill when she has ice crystals. Roberta’s battle skill shoots projectiles that deal cold damage and ignore a portion of the enemy’s defense, with enhanced damage if ice crystals are consumed. Her ultimate skill strikes multiple times, dealing substantial cold damage and granting ice crystals. Roberta’s abilities make her an effective damage dealer, and she is very competitive despite being only a Rare.



Deeno is an Epic Poison Hero with the ability to inflict and capitalize on Poison debuffs. His passive skill enhances his basic attacks, giving them a high chance to inflict Poison. Deeno’s battle skill shoots multiple arrows, each inflicting Poison, making him highly effective at stacking Poison debuffs on enemies. His ultimate skill deals significant Poison damage, with additional damage based on the number of Poison stacks present, and boosts his attack speed. Deeno’s abilities make him a potent damage dealer, ideal for Poison-based strategies. The way he works is almost like a mini-version of the Exclusive Legendary, Lothair.


Bronagh is a Rare Poison Hero focused on inflicting a huge amount of Poison debuffs. His passive skill gives a high chance to inflict Poison with each attack. Bronagh’s battle skill strikes enemies twice, dealing Poison damage and increasing his attack speed. His ultimate skill guarantees Poison application and delivers multiple strikes which enables him to wear the Witches Remains artifact to place Defense Penalty, significantly increasing the Poison stacks and damage on enemies. Bronagh’s abilities make him a key enabler for Poison-based teams, whilst also providing significant raw damage on his own accord.



Paixton is a Legendary Burn Hero with powerful Fire abilities that enhance his team’s attack power. His passive skill deals Fire damage to nearby enemies, inflicting Burn and gaining morale stacks that boost attack, which is then spread to other Burn allies when it reaches 20 stacks. Paixton’s battle skill reduces recharge time when hitting Burned enemies, and his ultimate skill deals significant Fire damage to all enemies, with extra damage to those already Burned. Paixton’s abilities make him a strong damage dealer and enabler for Burn teams, increasing their effectiveness in battles.


Majtan is a Legendary Burn Hero focused on dealing Fire damage and placing Burn debuffs. His passive skill inflicts Burn on all enemies at the start of the battle and gains Sparkle stacks that reduce damage taken and ignore enemy defence. Majtan’s battle skill heals himself and inflicts high Fire damage, targeting enemies with the most Burn stacks. His ultimate skill delivers significant Fire damage, boosts his attack, and ensures Burn effects ignore resistance allowing you to ignore Accuracy in the build. Majtan’s abilities make him a strong damage dealer and support for Burn teams, providing both raw damage and Burn stacks to benefit other Heroes, such as Aschetius or Araces to explode.


Eirnin is an Epic Fire Hero specializing in Burn damage. Her passive skill removes Burn stacks from enemies, dealing extra Fire damage. Eirnin’s battle skill shoots bullets that can bounce between enemies, inflicting Burn and prioritizing already Burned targets. Her ultimate skill releases multiple waves of bullets, dealing significant Fire damage and additional damage to Burned enemies. Eirnin’s abilities make her a powerful damage dealer, however cannot be used in tandem with Aschetius or Araces as her passive skill will reduce the amount of Burn stacks there are to explode.

What do you think of the Dragonheir Season 4 Damage Dealers? Let us know in the comments!

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