How to Gear Support Heroes
When it comes to gearing heroes in Eternal Evolution, it’s important to put your knowledge from other games aside and be sure to figure out what works best for this game in particular. When you hear Support or Healer you probably think of high HP & DEF as well, but this game has another stat to consider: Damage Reduction. There’s also a bit of variety in this hero class so let’s break them down separately.
Masrani, Serena & Liran
Let’s first talk about the healers. Currently, there are only 3 in the game: Masrani, Serena & Liran. Masrani brings a strong team heal, Serena a strong single target heal and Liran a weaker team heal. They all bring a little extra utility with buffs or debuffs but overall, the focus is around HP to give them a strong heal. Be sure to focus on getting the high HP stats vs sacrificing stats to put them in an Abundant set with the wrong stats. You’ll want to focus the following:
- Gloves: HP %
- Helmet: HP %
- Boots: HP % or D. REDUC %
- Substats to look for: HP %, D REDUC, DEF %, C.DMG REDUC %
- Gear set of choice: Abundant (Healing increases 35%) + 1 Vigorous (HP increases 15% per set) Set
- Other Gear Options: 3 Vigorous Sets (HP increases 15% per set)
When it comes to overall stat goals, let’s talk about the more “end game” goals so you know what to strive toward. This is considering you’ve Evolved them to Immortal 0. Your goals for all of these tanks will be as follows.
- HP: 2 Million
- DEF: 10k
- D. REDUC: 60%
This hero is the only SSS you can get from Advanced Recruitment Cards. Because of this,do not waste Gene Hybrids on them. They have huge endgame potential, however, are not worth focusing on til after you’ve built out more of the core heroes first. They excel when at EX30, but not very strong before that and will likely stay benched until you’ve got them to Immortal level and have upgraded exclusives. They can do decent damage but do need ACC. When it comes to gearing you’ll want to focus the following:
- Gloves: ATK %
- Helmet: ATK %
- Boots: ATK %
- Substats to look for: HP %, D REDUC, DEF %, ACC
- Gear set of choice: Light Gap (Initial Energy +200) Set + 1 Hawkeye (ACC increases 40) Set
When it comes to overall stat goals, let’s talk about the more “end game” goals so you know what to strive toward. This is considering you’ve Evolved them to Immortal 0. Your goals for all of these tanks will be as follows.
- HP: 1 Million
- ATK: 55k
- ACC: 120+
Rez is a top-tier SSS that you get easily and “for free” through the Galactic shop. Always prioritize getting him with each reset of the shop monthly til he’s maxed out. He buffs teammates and restores energy, allowing them to come back to Ultimates quicker. He’s very strong in all areas of content including endgame PvP. When it comes to gearing you’ll want to focus the following:
- Gloves: HP %
- Helmet: HP %
- Boots: D.REDUC %
- Substats to look for: HP %, D REDUC, DEF %, ACC
- Gear set of choice: Light Gap (Initial Energy +200) Set + 1 Hawkeye (ACC increases 40) Set
- Other Gear Options: 3 Vigorous Sets (HP increases 15% per set)
When it comes to overall stat goals, let’s talk about the more “end game” goals so you know what to strive toward. This is considering you’ve Evolved them to Immortal 0. Your goals for all of these tanks will be as follows.
- HP: 3 Million
- DEF: 10k
- D.REDUC: 80%
- C.DMG REDUC: 30%+
Lastly we have Hyupnos as the mid-lower tier of the Support group. He does bring crowd control,suppression and debuffs but overall you’ll probably find others stronger in most team compositions. When it comes to gearing you’ll want to focus the following:
- Gloves: HP %
- Helmet: HP %
- Boots: D.REDUC %
- Substats to look for: HP %, D REDUC, DEF %, ACC
- Gear set of choice: 3 Vigorous Sets (HP increases 15% per set)
When it comes to overall stat goals, let’s talk about the more “end game” goals so you know what to strive toward. This is considering you’ve Evolved them to Immortal 0. Your goals for all of these tanks will be as follows.
- HP: 3 Million
- DEF: 10k
- D.REDUC: 80%
- C.DMG REDUC: 30%+