2x ancient
Published On: October 13, 2022
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2x Ancient Weekend!

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Plarium has announced that this weekend there will a 2x Ancient Shard event as we expected, which is the best chance to get your hands on Epic or Legendary Champions from Ancient Shards – Let’s take a look at the announcement!


Should you be pulling shards?

Well, as we always say – 2x is usually the BEST time to open your shards to get the best value out of them, whether that be getting Epic or Legendary champions – you’ll simply get more during these events.

Many will be opting to save their Shards for what we expect will be a guaranteed Summon Event in the very very near future since the amount of time it’s been since the last, but that’s up to each individual to decide if they would rather save 150~ ancient shards for a specific legendary.

However, another thing to consider is that this 2x Event is actively part of the Miranix Fusion, with the Champion Chase Tournament starting tomorrow as well, so if you’re going for the Fusion you may need to open your shards regardless.


Will you be pulling shards for these events? Let us know in the comments!

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2 years ago

For info, guaranteed gives you more leggos, but fewer epics, and also more good leggos on average. I would suggest most mid-end game players to be saving for those events on ancients and voids, and use Sacreds for fusion summon rushes.

2 years ago
Reply to  SS2020user

You are right. BUT, in that case, I would hold ancient shards without any clue about the next event. For example, the last event was Ancient Shards, so i guess the next one (that no one knows when it will be) would be Sacred or Void. So, i would have to hold ancient shards for at least 2 months (maybe more). This should be fun? Not at all.

I dont kown what plarium is thinking with those mechanics.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tiamati

We do know when the next 2x will be though. They rotate on a specific schedule 2xAncient/10x/2xVoid/10x/2xSacred/10x and repeat as such. You’ll have a specific shard 2x every 6 week.

2 years ago

I’ve piled up 200 ancient shard since my last pull in july as a FTP. Skipped the guaranteed goffred because i won the tournament for him and I’m very near my pity ~180/200. I would life first a 2×1 event and then a guaranteed. It’s a bit hard not pulling ;D

2 years ago

Usually, after they bust you off all your shards on 2x they launch some guaranteed, so stockpiling and skipping this Friday’s event.

2 years ago

Day 62 player. Need epics, so the 32 I have saved are getting opened, fingers crossed. Not likely to pull a leggo, but where I’m at, I think I’d rather be lucky with extra epics for Faction wars. What do you think? (one leggo, 20 epics currently) Gotta go stockpile food to level up my pulls.

2 years ago
Reply to  vweaver

Go all in if you have shards for the next fusion.

2 years ago

One thing that haven’t been mentioned and that you’ll have ask yourself;

Is it worth saving your shards for that guaranteed lego champion, whilst loosing 2 lego books from the rewards from the “Champions Chase” tournament that’s going on right now?

Personally, I’d like to save up shards, but lego books are the extremely rare… So do I save for that “guaranteed ” champion whilst loosing out on all the actual good rewards from a
tournament when it’s combined with a 2x chance from ancient shards?

Sure, if you are a 100% ftp player it wont matter, but if you are a low tier spender like me, paying for the monthly gem pack and occasionally paying for energy, it does matter. So for me It’s a no, I need those books more than have another Legendary champion that I cant book!

2 years ago

I get enough lego books from CB

2 years ago
Reply to  artsev

I’m doing CB daily, yes every single day on UNM, but the books I get are nowhere near the amount I need to even book 1 champion per month!