Cursed City: Rotation 1
Published On: December 12, 2023
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Sintranos the Cursed City: Rotation 1 – NORMAL MODE


The Cursed City of Sintranos went live today, and as such we’ve broken down all of the individual stage requirements that you’ll need to conquer to fully clear Cursed City: Rotation 1 – Normal Mode, of course – you may pick your path and clearing 100% of it is not required to unlock the final boss, Amius – but in terms of rewards, you will want to aim to complete as much of this content as possible every single month.

This guide is relevant only to Cursed City: Rotation 1 – Normal Mode; starting December 12th, and lasting till January 10th 2024.

You can find full in-depth breakdowns of each stage and the rewards in our Raid Stages Tool.


Cursed City: Rotation 1

Floor 1 – Sylvan Watchers, Shadowkin, Dwarves, Knights Revenant, Dark Elves

Floor 2 – Shadowkin, Knights Revenant, Dark Elves, Undead Hodes, Demonspawn

Floor 3 – Dwarves, Undead Hordes, Demonspawn, Orcs, Skinwalkers

Floor 4 – Knights Revenant, Orcs, Skinwalkers, Lizardmen, Ogryn Tribes

Floor 5 – Demonspawn, Knights Revenant, Shadowkin

Floor 6 – Dark Elves, Lizardmen, Ogryn Tribes, Barbarians, Sacred Order

Floor 7 – Undead Hordes, Barbarians, Sacred Order, High Elves, Banner Lords

Floor 8 – Ogryn Tribes, Demonspawn, Dark Elves

Floor 9 – Demonspawn, High Elves, Banner Lords, Sylvan Watchers, Shadowkin

Floor 10 – Orcs, Sylvan Watchers, Shadowkin, Dwarves, Knights Revenant

Floor 11 – Shadowkin, Dwarves, Knights Revenant, Dark Elves, Undead Hordes

Floor 12 – Dwarves, Dark Elves, Undead Hordes, Demonspawn, Orcs

Floor 13 – Ogryn Tribes, Undead Hordes, Barbarians, Skinwalkers

Floor 14 – Knights Revenant, Demonspawn, Orcs, Skinwalkers, Lizardmen

Floor 15 – Dark Elves, Skinwalkers, Lizardmen, Ogryn Tribes, Barbarians

Floor 16 – Undead Hordes, Ogryn Tribes, Barbarians, Sacred Order, High Elves

Floor 17 – Demonspawn, Sacred Order, High Elves, Banner Lords, Sylvan Watchers

Floor 18 – Ogryn Tribes, Dwarves, Undead Hordes, Orcs

Floor 19 – Orcs, Banner Lords, Sylvan Watchers, Shadowkin, Dwarves

Floor 20 – Demonspawn, Undead Hordes, Barbarians, High Elves

Floor 21 – Skinwalkers, Shadowkin, Dwarves, Knights Revenant, Dark Elves

Floor 22 – Dark Elves, Knights Revenant, Demonspawn

Floor 23 – Banner Lords, Sacred Order, Ogryn Tribes, Skinwalkers, Demonspawn (5x Awakening Stars)

Floor 24 – Lizardmen, Orcs, Undead Hordes, Knights Revenant, Shadowkin (5x Awakening Stars)

Floor 25 – Dark Elves, Dwarves, Sylvan Watchers, High Elves, Barbarians (5x Awakening Stars)


Cursed City: Rotation 1

Floor 1 –  Ogryn Tribes, Barbarians, Sacred Order, High Elves

Floor 2 – Barbarians, High Elves, Banner Lords, Sylvan Watchers

Floor 3 – Sacred Order, Sylvan Watchers, Shadowkin, Dwarves

Floor 4 – High Elves, Dwarves, Knights Revenant, Dark Elves

Floor 5 – Banner Lords, Dark Elves, Undead Hordes, Demonspawn

Floor 6 – Sylvan Watchers, Demonspawn, Orcs, Skinwalkers

Floor 7 – Shadowkin, Skinwalkers, Lizardman, Ogryn Tribes

Floor 8 – Dwarves, Ogryn Tribes, Barbarians, Sacred Order

Floor 9 – Orcs, Banner Lords, Undead Hordes

Floor 10 – Banner Lords, Dark Elves, Shadowkin, Dwarves

Floor 11 – Barbarians, Sacred Order, High Elves, Banner Lords

Floor 12 – Sacred Order, Banner Lords, Sylvan Watchers, Shadowkin

Floor 13 – High Elves, Shadowkin, Dwarves, Knights Revenant

Floor 14 – Orcs, Barbarians, Shadowkin, Dwarves

Floor 15 – High Elves, Shadowkin, Dark Elves, Sylvan Watchers

Floor 16 – Banner Lords, Knights Revenant, Dark Elves, Undead Hordes

Floor 17 -Undead Hordes, Skinwalkers, Barbarians

Floor 18 – Sylvan Watchers, Undead Hordes, Demonspawn, Orcs

Floor 19 – Shadowkin, Orcs, Skinwalkers, Lizardmen

Floor 20 – Dwarves, Lizardmen, Ogryn Tribes, Barbarians

Floor 21 – Sacred Order, Demonspawn, Shadowkin

Floor 22 – Knights Revenant, Barbarians, Sacred Order, High Elves

Floor 23 – Sylvan Watchers, Knights Revenant, Demonspawn, Lizardmen (10x Awakening Stars)

Floor 24 – Undead Hordes, Demonspawn, Orcs, Skinwalkers (10x Awakening Stars)

Floor 25 – Ogryn Tribes, Skinwalkers, Barbarians, Banner Lords (10x Awakening Stars)


Cursed City: Rotation 1

Floor 1 –  Undead Hordes, Demonspawn, Orcs, Skinwalkers

Floor 2 – Demonspawn, Skinwalkers, Lizardmen, Ogryn Tribes

Floor 3 – Orcs, Ogryn Tribes, Barbarians, Sacred Order

Floor 4 – Skinwalkers, Sacred Order, High Elves, Banner Lords

Floor 5 – Dark Elves, Sacred Order, Demonspawn

Floor 6 – Lizardmen, Banner Lords, Sylvan Watchers, Shadowkin

Floor 7 – Orcs, Ogryn Tribes, Banner Lords

Floor 8 – Ogryn Tribes, Shadowkin, Dwarves, Knights Revenant

Floor 9 – Barbarians, Knights Revenant, Dark Elves, Undead Hordes

Floor 10 – Lizardmen, Sacred Order, Skinwalkers, Dwarves

Floor 11 – Sacred Order, Undead Hordes, Demonspawn, Orcs

Floor 12 – Orcs, Ogryn Tribes, Shadowkin, High Elves

Floor 13 – Demonspawn, Orcs, Skinwalkers, Lizardmen

Floor 14 – Orcs, Lizardmen, Ogryn Trbies, Barbarians

Floor 15 – Skinwalkers, Barbarians, Sacred Order, High Elves

Floor 16 – Barbarians, Sacred Order, Skinwalkers, Knights Revenant

Floor 17 – Lizardmen, High Elves, Banner Lords, Sylvan Watchers

Floor 18 – Ogryn Tribes, Sylvan Watchers, Shadowkin, Dwarves

Floor 19 – Barbarians, Dwarves, Knights Revenant, Dark Elves

Floor 20 – Sacred Order, Dark Elves, Undead Hordes, Demonspawn

Floor 21 – High Elves, Demonspawn, Orcs, Skinwalkers

Floor 22 – Barbarians, Demonspawn, Orcs

Floor 23 – Banner Lords, Ogryn Tribes, Demonspawn, Dwarves (10x Awakening Stars)

Floor 24 – Lizardmen, Undead Hordes, Shadowkin, Sacred Order (10x Awakening Stars)

Floor 25 – Dark Elves, Sylvan Watchers, Barbarians, Orcs (10x Awakening Stars)


Cursed City: Rotation 1

Floor 1 –  Sylvan Watchers, Shadowkin, Dwarves

Floor 2 – Shadowkin, Knights Revenant, Dark Elves

Floor 3 – Dwarves, Undead Hordes, Demonspawn

Floor 4 – Knights Revenant, Orcs, Skinwalkers

Floor 5 – Dwarves, Barbarians, Sylvan Watchers

Floor 6 – Dark Elves, Lizardman, Ogryn Tribes

Floor 7 – Undead Hordes, Barbarians, Sacred Order

Floor 8 – Demonspawn, High Elves, Banner Lords

Floor 9 – Sacred Order, Ogryn Tribes, Lizardmen

Floor 10 – Orcs, Sylvan Watchers, Shadowkin

Floor 11 – High Elves, Orcs, Knights Revenant, Sacred Order

Floor 12 – Shadowkin, Dwarves, Knights Revenant

Floor 13 – Dwarves, Dark Elves, Undead Hordes

Floor 14 – Knights Revenant, Demonspawn, Orcs

Floor 15 – Dwarves, Demonspawn, Shadowkin, Barbarians

Floor 16 – Dark Elves, Skinwalkers, Lizardmen

Floor 17 – High Elves, Sacred Order, Sylvan Watchers

Floor 18 – Undead Hordes, Ogryn Tribes, Barbarians

Floor 19 – Demonspawn, Sacred Order, High Elves

Floor 20 – Orcs, Banner Lords, Sylvan Watchers

Floor 21 – Skinwalkers, Shadowkin, Dwarves

Floor 22 – Knights Revenant, Lizardmen, Dark Elves, Undead Hordes

Floor 23 – Sylvan Watchers, Demonspawn, Sacred Order (15x Awakening Stars)

Floor 24 – Undead Hordes, Barbarians, Shadowkin (15x Awakening Stars)

Floor 25 – Ogryn Tribes, Shadowkin, Orcs (15x Awakening Stars)

Amius the Lunar Archon

Dark Elves, Skinwalkers, Lizardmen, Barbarians, Sylvan Watchers

Patch 8.0 Preview

Which of these stages in Cursed City: Rotation 1 do you think will pose the biggest threats? 

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7 months ago

It is actually fun to explore the levels in Sintranos. Those requirements make it more challenging too. You now might need different champions than normal.
I tried to add a bit of a challenge, to do each stage with as less as possible champions. That might be helpful for others too.
Wrote my progress so far down in a blog post.
But it’s on hard mode though. But I will do the same on normal.

Last edited 7 months ago by Neva
7 months ago

This will only be fun for the elites with 2+ years experience, and hell for anyone else. The Plagueholme layout is a perfect case in point. To get to the key there are four pathways:
I have seventy level-60s and have zero hope of finishing any Soulcross levels, period, to enter from the back door to the north.
You face Sorath and your only burner is a level-40 Mordecai, and even in all-perception gear and 263 ACC he is lucky to freeze Sorath 20% of the time. Hell, Serris with ACC > 550 can’t reliably toss Decrease Defense on it. Stages tool says we need 230 ACC to touch it reliably? Bullshit, double that doesn’t even generate confidence, and you have a VERY slight window of opportunity to stop the torture in your favor with a timely HP Burn.
You get basically no turn meter control against Dark Fae, and she always picks Ronda to clone after you kill the initial 5 clones, and you can’t kill her new clone before she wipes you because you always screw up enough True Fear rolls. You hope Hellmut with 350+ ACC and 105% CritRate can stun the others, but no, his Timeslip 2nd part doesn’t even proc 20% of the time. This Dark Fae battle always was bullshit, and that is exemplified nowhere better than right here and right now.
Then there’s the Awakening-10 battle, and we can only muster 9 stars of Awakening, despite having blessings on almost all my Legos and most of my Epics.
The whales, content creators, and the elites will lay waste to this place. The rest of us will be roadblocked.

7 months ago
Reply to  LordBanshee

I do not agree with you here. True that I started bragging about soloing stages in Cobblemarket and true that I got stuck both in Plagueholme too. I did not take Sorath too, but I will when Mordecai has more ACC. Same in Deadrise where I can’t get past Scarab King and Stage D7.
About Dark Fae, that took some thinking. She is slow. I used Archmage, Seer, Stag Knight, Ursala and Grohak. And no where near 350ACC. Just time your buffs and attacks.
But that is the fun of it. That you have to think and rebuild to go trough. How else is it a challenge?
Say you are relatively new and you can manage to do Cobblemarket. Even then the rewards are quite good.
I have not reached Animus yet, but seen a battle from Nubraids. I do have the champions except Krisk. We’ll see.
And I do not know what. level you are or the champs you have, but I am at level 89, so no where considered anywhere near CCreators, elites and whales (at least I think).

7 months ago
Reply to  LordBanshee

Strange, I responded on this one here, but my comment is gone. Please let me know if I said something wrongful.
It was about that I like the new content very much and that you are right where saying it is difficult. But that is the fun and challenge of it if you ask me.
I do not know which level you are, I am 89 but I am not near CC, elites level I think.
Sorath is doable with Mordecai, with some ACC of course. Dark Fae is doable too, without stats you mention. Try using Seer and time her A3.
For now I am blocked too at several points. And I need to rebuild and change. But again, that is the fun of it.

7 months ago
Reply to  LordBanshee

Sorry Lord Banshee, but if you are saying that yu have 20 x lvl 60 champs and you cannot do anything in cursed city… I have to strongly think that you are having a problem with the game.

I am lvl 91, no elite, I am still struggling to finish faction wars!!
I have 40 x lvl 60 champs and I find cursed city (normal and hard mode) highly entertaining.

What do you want exactly from new content? Do you want to finish everything at the first day of release in Auto-mode?

7 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Dammit, I meant “you have 70 x lvl 60 champs”.

7 months ago

First encounter with Animus, change phase with Gnishak bombs on. He performs 5-6 attacks and kills the entire team.. ok