Published On: January 2, 2021
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Who should you 6* next in Raid: Shadow Legends?


Who should I 6 star next in Raid Shadow Legends?

This is by far the most common question that any content creator gets asked when playing Raid, and it is also one of the hardest ones to answer constructively.

To work out who you should level up next you need to have an understanding of your positioning in the game and what your goals are.

Without having an understanding or background into your account you should not trust any advice that tells you to 6* one champion without knowing how it will synergise with your account and your individual progress.

There are exceptions of course if you are sitting on a Valkyrie or a Draco and you want to know if you should 6* them over Woad Painted then chances are no matter where you are in the game they will be the clear winner.


So, to work out who you should 6* next in raid shadow legends, let’s have a look at your account and work out who is the best choice.

Do you already have a 6-star champion or are you looking for advice on who to 6* first?

Your first 6* champion should always be your campaign farmer because this champion will allow you to farm more 6* champions efficiently.

In most scenarios, this will be your starter champion unless you have had insane luck with shards. We have created some useful tools on the site with information about who make great campaign farmers and how to build them here.

After getting your first level 60 champion in raid shadow legends you should start to assemble a clan boss team.

Your clan boss team as it grows should also be able to become your first dragon 20 team.

How to pick for your 2nd 6* Champion?

Again, look at your account and look at what you already have on offer. You want to aim for the most important roles to be filled.

Important buffs/debuffs to bring to your team to help progression:

Attack Down, Poison, Defence Down, Defence Up, Speed boost, Shields and Counter Attack.

Although the obvious choice may be to 6* a champion that brings one of those Debuffs or buffs, it may not always be that simple.

Support champions for example can often do their role at even 50 as long as you build them with enough defence to stay alive and accuracy to land their abilities.

Dragon 20

So, for your second champion, you might want to look at at a champion that not only brings value to your clan boss team but also brings a benefit to other areas of the game such as arena and dungeons.

A great option for this would be an AOE defence down champion. Warmaiden is a great free to play choice for this role or even better, if you have been lucky enough to pull a Tayrel who not only brings AOE defence down, he also brings decreased attack on his A1 ability making him idea for clan boss, dungeons and even arena.

From there you want to start filling out your roster until you complete your clan boss team. Once you have a team of champions that are able to fill these required roles in clan boss the same team should be able to get you through stage 20 in the dragon.

After Dragon 20 you should look at building a Spider 20 team.

So looking at your account when your goal is to clear spider 20 you need to ask yourself what you are missing?

Do you have an AOE HP Burn champion? Do you have somebody like a Miscreated Monster who will provide massive survivability to your team? Do you have a champion who’s attack is based on enemy HP such as Coldheart or Armiger?

If not maybe it is time to start filling your roster with champions like this at level 60.

After you are able to clear spider you should look to Fire Knight. For this, you will want champions that multi-hit on their A1 to help you get through the Fire Knight’s shield and champions that bring a lot of turn meter control to your team.

Once you have got your account into a place where you are able to successfully clear all the dungeons in the game you can start filling out your roster.

A great way at this point to decide who to bring up to level 60 next would be to look at your faction wars teams. Look what your weakest faction is and start to develop it. Build out champions that will start to fill specific roles that you are lacking in your team or improve your dungeon speed clears.

As you can see simply asking “who should I 6* next” is almost impossible to give an answer to without having background knowledge of who you already have in your roster and what stage you are in the game.

There is no one correct answer in raid shadow legends, only what will give you the most benefit at that point in the game.

The main thing to remember is that the more level 60 champions that you have in the game, the more options you will have and the more creative you will be able to get with your team setups.

So the simple answer for what you should do once you pick who take up to level 60 is to get another level 60!

We hope that this helped you be able to look at your account and decide who you should take up to level 60 next.

If you have any tips for how you decide to 60 next let us know in the comments.

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3 years ago

Excellent tips, I am currently working on my Dragon Team, hitting 19 on auto, need that next step, its coming but its a tough call each time, had made 60’s in the past that I did not really need.

3 years ago

Slight typo above “Mistreated Monster” instead of Miscreated. Otherwise, very solid advice. I wish I had taken some time to do some research before 6 starring a few of the champs I did (Juliana in particular).

3 years ago
Reply to  KamuiV

thx, changed

3 years ago

In my experience, this is by far the most difficult decision during early and mid-game. Specially for FTP players, that go through a prolonged mid-game. As always, great content.

3 years ago
Reply to  Emvarza

totally agree. I should have read and re-read this article months ago. “Prolonged mid-game” is exactly where I find myself.

Sara Moore
Sara Moore
11 months ago
Reply to  tydus700

This is the perfect phrase to describe a lot of midgame content for me. I have some really good champions but am lacking on speed. Or perhaps, a variety of skills that make it seem like my team is super slow.

I love articles like these. A good foundation and first step is always a great place to start.

3 years ago

I’m at this point right now. I 6 starred my Athel, Bellower, Miscreated Monster, and Coldheart, but have no idea who next. I have Ultimate Galek, Steelskull, Rowan, Just pulled a Kael, Armiger. 6 star is one thing, but they all need to be booked to be viable FML.

3 years ago
Reply to  187reaper

That’s where your Clan Boss team comes in. Getting to at least 3 key Ultra Nightmare should be of the highest priority, even above getting your Arena team going. Those Transcendent chests will give you those coveted books you need.

There are more than a few “no brainer” 60’s. Too many to list really. Top 10 in my opinion would be :
Rares : Kael, Apothecary, War Maiden
Epic : Miscreated Monster, Madame Serris, Maneater
Legendary : Valkyrie, Scyl of the Drakes, Arbiter

The article hits the nail on the head when it comes to abilities. Look for champions that do debuffs, especially Defense Down and Weaken. If you have to choose between DD or Weaken, choose Weaken. Up to mid game, Weaken gives you more “bang for your buck” over Defense and by then you should be looking for champs that do both DD and Weaken like Draco or Lydia. Attack Down is HUGE for the Clan Boss, so keep your eyes out for champions that have a high chance to land it, especially on an A1.

2 years ago
Reply to  Canadarox

Weaken gives you more in easy-brutal cb, but everywhwre else aoe dec def is better

2 years ago
Reply to  Canadarox

Warmaiden is not a instant 6-star, or even really a canditate. She isn’t great in CB, and there are very many better epics that do dec def (I’m using Spider). She is great early, but gets very easily replaced. AOE dec def is great, and dec def should be what your after. For example, would you rather build an Arndulf or a Warmaiden? Weaken is good against bosses, but for that an A1 weaken is fine (I used Whisper very early game, she did decent CB damage and A1 weaken.)

Black Vyktor
Black Vyktor
3 years ago

Good advises forme.
I have to get massive rethinking my account after this, because i strugling with my account.

3 years ago

Does it ever get any faster to 6 star a champion? I’m 90 days in and it takes me a week of grinding to level enough food to 6 star someone.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phixion

I’m 90 days in, using Fellhound. With my equipment my average time is 25 seconds.

2 years ago
Reply to  RabidMusic

A week is a decent time for getting a 6-star. I have a Skullcrown who farmed campaign at 10 seconds, but then I got an amazing piece that made her hit way harder, but not be as fast. Now she farms campaign at between 13 to 16 seconds.

3 years ago

Royal Guard, Warmaiden, or Cold-heart for 2nd 6star? Bellower was 1st.

3 years ago

Need to advance a good poisoner and a cleanser. Should I do Kael or Aox The Remember? For the cleanser I could go with Doompriest, Mas. Mage, or skartorsis. Which two should I be doing 1st? all are level 50 and stars maxed out. Just need to build up my food and masteries. Skarorsis I think already has them maxed out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Painfullclock

Hello hades I’m newly to the game, 2 weeks old account. It’s hard for me to choice on my 2nd 6* champion they are Siphi, dhukk, ninja or Banshee. Which one should I promote?

1 year ago
Reply to  SaiQmee


2 years ago

So…I have a statement and (probably) a stupid question. I’ve maxed Kael (he wasn’t my starter, but I pulled him later on), maxed Deacon, maxed Rhazin (I pulled him, still haven’t got Halberdier for the fusion), and much later on maxed Scyl. I still don’t have a Dragon 20 team. Need help with that. Also need help figuring out a Spider team because I have a bunch of nukers, but I can’t seem to get past Spider 14. Can I get some help?

2 years ago
Reply to  Eli8221

You can use more turn meter control for spider, or just gear your champs for more damage. In dragon i think a Frozen banshee if you have one would be good, apoth would be good. Get more nukers if your struggling on the wawes, get more posion if your struggling with the boss. Get High Khatun/Apothecary as a great speed booster and, in Apoths case, also a healer.

2 years ago

At what point do you level up you faction wars, to level 50’s?

2 years ago
Reply to  Painfullclock

What do you mean? If you are going for Lydia, then level them to 50/60 depending on how much you need them, but otherwise a few 40s with decent gear or maybe a 50 and 4 40s with good gearv should be able to get you throug the first few faction war stages. If you want to 60 champions only for factionwars, then you should already have auto stage 20 in all dungeons, have at least a 3 key nightmare cb team and not be struggling in the arena. Basiccly you should get some 40s for factionwars early to midgame, and then in late-endgame, you could start to focus on faction wars.

2 years ago

You know… You have rankings for all of the champions on your site. Could you not take use those rankings to create a kind of “suggestion” list based on an individuals champions?

2 years ago

I’m currently on day 84 of my first and only account (f2p so far). I’ve managed to sustain my double xp boost from the beginning through rewards and still have over a week on it. I have 7, 6* champs (Stag, Sepulcher, Sinesha, Elhain, Vogoth, Geomancer, Fahrakin) and several more I use at 5* that would live longer at 6* like Armiger, Apoth, Deliana, Madamme Serris, and Magnarr. I’m in gold II, pushing gold III arena, 15 FK/spider, 18 IG/dragon. The issue is I’ve done very little gear farming and only have 3 maxed masteries on my CB team (3 key brutal). I’ve spent the bulk of my energy after daily quests in 12-3 because it makes sense to me to take advantage of double xp until it runs out but I’m wondering at this point if I should call it good on leveling for now and focus on gear and mastery farming. I’ve pulled some of the most useful epics but it’s hard to keep them alive and my only decent damage dealer at this point is Elhain…

2 years ago
Reply to  Vontyr

I should clarify, Elhain is my only decent damage dealer for waves, and I can do very little of the content without including her. Geo has been a game changer for bosses, as well as Fahrakin’s ally attack and additional poisons and burns.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vontyr

The Comment section isn’t the best place to ask questions because they aren’t visited this often. I would say ask in Discord for advice or help.

1 year ago

PLEASE anyone who wants to ask: GO TO THE HELL HADES DISCORD! They can ACCUALLY SEE that you sent a message, and you can accually see when they reply. It’s very friendly, and has helped me a lot. It’s one major thing that keeps me motivated.

1 year ago

maybe it already exists but how about a list of champs that should NOT be leveled at all-COMPLETE TRASH.

Jasmond Teo
Jasmond Teo
5 months ago

I’m a new player.
I have R.Blademaster, WuKong, Ella and Helior, who should I 60 first?

Zachary Johnson
Zachary Johnson
4 months ago

Ive done michi and keal idk who next i have kaja monster ursala sethillia lix rothalos and a few others

3 months ago

It seems that you always have the wrong filters. If I could have the ratings filtered for the number of stars for each champ it would really help making a choice.

Ho Yat Leung
Ho Yat Leung
2 months ago

I have just got a 6* Kael and looking for a second 6*, Now I have 5* WuKong, 5* Chronicer Adelyn, 4* Melga Streegridle, 4* Rector Death, 4* Tyrel, 4* gorgorab, Which do u think should get 6* or 5* first? Thanks!!