Last Updated: May 14, 2023
Hardscale Overview
Blending with nature with a unique scale complexion, he uses deadly claws to inflict shocking wounds upon enemies. Hardscale is an uncommon defence champion from the Lizardmen Faction.
As a stand alone champion Hardscale doesn’t offer a tremendous amount. His A1 has a low single target chance of placing a 15% Decrease speed on a target for 2 turns (Not as impactful as the 30% variation) so he’s not ideal in playing the speed manipulator role for you team. Shocking wound has a 100% chance to place a Stun debuff on targets under decrease speed, therefore pairing other decrease speed champion alongside him can help you lock out specific targets in faction wars causing you problems.
Hardscale PVE Masteries
Hardscale PVP Masteries
Hardscale Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Speed, accuracy
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Speed, accuracy, perception.
Recommended PVP Stats