Reddit AMA with the Raid: Shadow Legends Team
Today the Plarium community team took to Reddit to host an AMA (Ask Me Anything) giving the Raid Community chance to get their questions answered. There are some really juicy info drops here and plenty of the expected “we are working on it”.
We have tried to summarise as many of the key points as possible but you can see the full AMA here.
Plarium’s Response to the Mercy Calculator being removed:
First and foremost, the reason why we implemented the update that disabled the third-party mercy system counter is basic server-side security protection. This was one of the moves in the bigger ongoing campaign that involves action in keeping game data safe and sound, as well as fighting such areas as bots functioning, payment system abuse, possible cheats, and hacks. Any intruding data retrieval goes again our Terms of Use, let alone potentially endangers our players’ personal data that is shared when accessing a third-party tool. We do not dismiss the whole idea of implementing an in-game mercy system counter, but, for now, we are considering possible best ways to do that and this means assessing possible risks, trying, and testing. We’d rather our players relied on the game because we are responsible for this environment and what happens in its realm rather than go someplace else.
Plarium’s Response to the Dupe System:
Good question. We will need to think about it, thanks for bringing it up.
Now, jokes aside (before I get kicked out of the subreddit).
We know that you guys want details here. I will give you as much info as we have right now, no backing out.
- When coming up with the concept for the feature, we contemplated two main approaches – tweaking drop rates and making dupes more valuable by utilizing them for strengthening champions
- For several months, we were testing both of these in various forms in the sandbox environment, developing an in-game economic model for each simultaneously assessing influence of both on the in-game balance; and conducting tests in the real production environment.
- Overall, there were 4 concepts that we examined in the beginning. Fast forward to the present and we put aside three of those.
- We evaluated pros and cons and, right now, are leaning more toward the second option – making dupes more valuable by utilizing them for strengthening champions
- We expect the solution to come out in the fall (we are sticking to the time frame announced in the Q&A video that came out some time ago). However, the point worth mentioning is that not only will we be releasing the feature, but also adjusting several areas in the game to fit this whole new system.
- We will share the details of the ultimate concept with you as soon as it is ready.
Plarium’s Response to the amount of time taken up by the game:
Who needs a personal life when there is another Fusion starting in two days?
We have a whole separate roadmap for additions aimed at optimizing the amount of time that you need to spend in the game to stay in the loop. Like with 15-20 stages in Potions Dungeons. We are looking at ways to decrease the time spent in Dungeons, for farming XP and Silver, Artifacts and Accessories upgrade. You will learn more details about these soon enough. However, we are not looking in the direction of implementing x3 or x4 speed partially due to technical limitations, but, more importantly, because tuning your teams for faster battles is one of the main concepts our game is all about.
Great Hall is meant to be one of the endgame features, but we can’t deny the input of prodigy players like yourself :) We should be ready with something you could spend your Classic Arena medals on closer to the fall, as well. We keep track of the players that have maxed the Great Hall and see that the number is not big at all, for now.
Plarium’s Response to Increases Arena Tiers:
This is on the agenda. We already have the whole thing planned out and we will be ready to bring this to the game after sorting current problems in the Silver and Bronze Tiers (and this should start in two iterations, as announced previously, in the following couple of weeks). Also, we will be adding more elements to the game that will increase competitiveness in the higher Tiers, which, consequently, asks for modifying the current state of things in Gold IV and in the Platinum.
Plarium’s Response to Tag-Team-Arena:
Yep, there are quite a few changes intended for the Tag Team Arena, for instance, auto-battle for all 3 fights, introducing new sorts of Events, expanding Bazaar and more
Plarium’s Response to Increasing the Energy Cap:
We’re considering introducing new modes of the game, where you would have a more efficient exchange rate of energy for specific in-game resources. Also, we would like to experiment with 21+ levels of Dungeons to make the farming of gear there more energy efficient. Those changes are supposed to make the energy cap of a lesser nuisance
To finish up, Raid Content Creator Stew Gaming dropped a load of great questions to the team:
Pity counter – we don’t promise to add it in the next patch since the pipeline of features for it is already set (and has been for some time now. It’s not that easy to shuffle things around so close to the patch release. But the whole thing is on the table.
Dupe system – UMM REALLY WHEN?
As promised, in the following six months or so.
Normal arena lower tiers matchmaking? – AGAIN NEXT PATCH?
This week, actually.
Second ascension – WHAT IS IT?
To be honest, I don’t know, I try not to data mine our game :)
Swift parry and reaction accessories – KILLING ARENA
We will keep rebalancing our sets depending on the analytical results
10 void summons – WE’VE BEEN ASKING FOR YEARS
Coming up pretty s… Sorry, almost blurted out the forbidden word. Should be in the next patch.
We will be making it more balanced. And, I want to stress here that these are not Clan Wars, this is a tournament. And yes, it has its downsides which we will be improving. There will be an improvement in this area in patch 4.30 already.
Finish fragment fusions we’re missing a few pieces of.
We are looking into ways to solve this.
Although there are still many questions unanswered we think that there are some hidden gems in the AMA with mentions of certain features that we thought that we would never see.
What are your thoughts on the AMA? Let us know in the comments.
Yuck, just yuck! Can’t you and some of the other content creators just start your own game or get hired as the board of directors for raid!
Being a software developer, I believe I can make an educated guess about how much it would cost to create a competing game for Raid. Never been in the gaming industry but I can guarantee, that $10M is way too low but it might be something to start with until we find an investor. So, if you have the funds, I offer myself as a chief developer and I believe we can talk Hell Hades into being the chief story maker :-)
Haha just a small go-fund-me then :P