double ancient legendary
Published On: May 15, 2023
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2 for 1 Ancient Shards – Raid Shadow Legends


Plarium has announced a 2 for 1 Ancient Shard Event in Raid Shadow Legends this week. If you pull a legendary from ancient shards during the event, you’ll receive an additional legendary as a bonus.

This event offers a chance to obtain two legendaries instead of one, making it a great opportunity to acquire powerful champions for your account, especially if you are close to the Pity System kicking in!

Plarium Announcement

Hey folks!

On Tuesday, May 16th, we’re planning to launch Extra Legendary event for Ancient Shards.

You’ve already familiar with the mechanics, if you summon a Legendary Champion from an Ancient Shard during this event, you’ll get a different, extra one from that same Shard. It works only once per user per event.

You won’t be charged Silver for the Extra Summon. Although, keep in mind, the Extra Champion won’t be counted towards Quests, Events, or Tournaments.

Should you be pulling shards for the 2 for 1 Ancient Event

When deciding if you are going to pull shards for an event like this, it’s important to remember several key factors:

  • The chances of getting a Legendary outside of 2x are extremely low unless you are close to Pity.
  • We are currently going through a Fusion Event for Jetni the Giant, and this will not contribute to it.
  • There is a Champion Chase Tournament this weekend which will contain Fusion Fragments, which will be part of a 2x Ancient Shard Event.

Will be getting involved with the 2 for 1 Ancient Shard Event? Let us know in the comments

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1 year ago

Right before a 2x ancient event? HAHA! Unless I was 210+ into mercy I wouldn’t pull for this. I’m not, so I won’t. All 4 double legendaries I’ve done have turned out mostly awful for me anyhow.

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
1 year ago

Ho avuto la malaugurata voglia di tirare 11 blu…..ho ricevuto un epico e dieci pippe!!! Non lo farò mai più!!!

1 year ago

Sweet! Just pulled a Staltus with a free Cillian…spent less than 20 shards.

1 year ago

Love this event! Only opened 27 shards and pulled a dupe Duchess and dupe Roric!