2 Years of HH Gaming Giveaway!
Today is a landmark for HH Gaming, marking the 2 year anniversary of the day we went live with hellhades.com and started this wild journey. Over the past 2 years, our dream of growing a gaming brand from this small game that we created content for has gone from a random pipe dream to a full reality.
As with everything we do on this website and the content that we produce as a team it is all because of you. We want to say a massive thank you to our community and share some of the highs and lows that we have encountered along the way.
As many of you will know Hellhades.com was founded back in 2020 on the 1st of December during the height of the Covid pandemic lockdown. Originally the team consisted of Phixion and HellHades along with other mods and members of the community that volunteered their time to make the website a success from day one.
Our journey would never have started the way it did without our amazing team. Back when we originally started building the site we had Lady H, Umbras, Rose, Tacco, Neva, and Lockers helping us day and night to get the website ready to launch. Over time we partnered with Dateach to create the Raid Optimiser and then had Saphyrra and WinstonWolf join our development master team to continue building community tools.
Here are some numbers that will blow your mind:
- Since launching our website has been visited by 5.2million users
- Those users have viewed 112,422,180 pages
- 164,820 people have joined the website as members
- We have grown from our original team of 2 to 15 in 2 years
- We have created 1,500 pages of guides and content on Raid Shadow Legends – Not including the individual champion pages.
- We have expanded our youtube channels by creating the HH Gaming Channel which has gained over 1,000,000 views and 13,200 subscribers.
- We have provided 1,044 account coaching sessions and a takeover from our team and received 213 5* reviews of the service.
We want to thank you all for your continued support of the HH Gaming brand and for allowing us to do what we love every single day. We said this last year, but honestly, we feel like this is just the start of this journey and we will continue to work hard to support our community, bring cool new tools to help you and bring more content to the best online community in the world!
2 year giveaway:
Now, for the fun stuff! To thank you all for the support that you show we are running a giveaway for all of December. To take part all you need to do if follow the links below to be entered into the mix. The draw will take place in the 1st week of January!
If the giveaway does not load try this link: here
Chrome just shows me a white box at the end of the text. Firefox tells me that the browser is preventing a pop-up but also shows the contents of the box.
https://gleam.io/pkNDL/hh-gaming-2-year-giveaway try this link
keep up great work
keep up great work verry helpfull
Congratulations to the lucky winners
Thank you for the all information and insight. Keep up the good work :)
Grats ! Very nice job !
0 4167 25
Your Entries Total Entries Days Left
Prove that you are human, plus spinny arrowed-circle.
Gracias por darle vida y hacer mas divertida la coomunidad de RSL. <3
Good Luck everyone
Cheers, and congrats on 2 years!
I hope i will win a hoodie :D
Congrats to you guys, what an amazing journey. It shows me I have 11 entries. yet if I leave the page and come back later it says I am not entered at all. Happy Holidays to the entire HH crew and I love the videos with Lady H, she is the best.