End-Game Raid Shadow Legends Account Giveaway! (CLOSED)
Simple to enter, comment on THIS post and let us know the following:
Who was your FIRST Legendary?
Do you still use them?
We’re very excited to showcase an account that we will be giving away. The account is capable of many things, and YOU could have the chance of getting your hands on it!
Clan boss: Bateater (2 key – 1 key – 1 key)
(We have only tested on SPIRIT clan boss.)
Spider 25 – 01:52
Dragon 25 – 02:44
Ice Golem 25 – 06:54
Fire Knight 25 – 03:28
The account comfortably farms GOLD IV and has a defence team that can stand its ground too! The Great hall is coming along nicely, with plenty of room for progression still.
This account is absolutely incredible, but there is lots of room for improvement and development going forward, so best of luck to all who enter, and we’re excited to see the account grow in whoever’s hands it ends up in!
Remember to comment on the stated entry conditions at the top of the post, and best of luck to all who enter! The winner will be picked at random on Sunday 16th May 2021.
My first was Shirimani, still part of my current arena defence and when I want some consistent AOE control and heals for my team.
My first Lego is Ma’shalled and obviously i still use him everywhere
My first Leg is Foli an I use him, my Arena cleave anti reviver ;)
I got lyssandra still use her but still can’t decide where to use have to keep changing build from speed lead to tank
My first Lego was altan still using him ! I am using him everywhere , He is my beast :)
Btw thank you for this opportunity, I hope this time the luck is on my side
I pulled Drex and Tyrant together and I definitely use both. Tyrant and Miscreated Monster easily got me past spider 25.
PS it took me a long time before I pulled a leggo.
Valkyrie was my first legendary and I still use her in almost everything
Prince Kymar was my first, and I use him all the time!
i hope i am that lucky, love the game, f2p and dreaming of that kind of champs.
forgot to mention my first leggo, and he is Yoshi
and no he is the vault
First legendary was Trunda :), she’s in my arena team.
Lol I’ve only got one and that’s countess lix, and I don’t really have the right team to use her. I’ve had terrible luck pulling chards 🥺
Mine was Dreaxthar, Im still using him, clan boss, Spider dent, Doom Tower, tag team arena. His Amazin in those places in special Spider dent.
Lord Shazar and i use him for his speed aura in arena as im still early/mid game
My first “pulled” legos were Teela, Teela, war mother. By this order…
My first Legendary was Warlord and I still use him everywhere. 80k life, so that life shield helps tons
1st legendary was Grohak the Bloodied. I was disappointed after grinding for what seemed like forever for my 1st one. But so goes the game. I use him so so especially faction wars.
Mine was Crypt-King Graal i used it to make other champ 6star after i hear from you that he need buff…
First lego was Big ‘Un! And yes of course I still use him! Had to regear him to help me clear some content, but I use him in almost every dungeon. :)
My first leggo was Maulie Tankard…I still use her in faction wars haven’t gotten a good gear set up for her in other areas yet..im getting there. Thanks for the content you provide it is truly appreciated.
My first Legendary was either Big Un or Martyr (i got very lucky) and i still use them both nearly everywhere! Absolute carriers for most of my set-ups
My first was Lyssandra. Still use her regularly in spider dungeon, and tag-team arena.
Lord champfort and then 10 shards later valk. Champfort has a place in FW and until recently Valk was in a 2:1 CB tean