Raid Shadow Legends Clan vs Clan Update
Plarium just dropped some news on the upcoming Clan vs Clan Tournament System that is going to be coming into Raid Sahdow Legends very soon!
Here is what they had to say:
Greetings, Raiders! Three weeks ago, we announced the upcoming launch of the big feature – Clan vs Clan Tournament. And now we’re ready to move to its first phase – beta-launch. Next week, we’re starting our first Beta Tournament. The most active Clans (1,700 of them precisely) will have a chance to participate in this one. These Clans are chosen on the basis of the current Clans Rankings.
The reason why we decided to do the test run with this specific number of Clans is that we want to make sure that everything goes smoothly and according to our plan before the Global launch. And this number is good from a technical standpoint.
We will analyze the results of the first launch and collect players’ feedback to see if there is anything that calls for reviewing or adjustment at this stage.
On Monday, we will publish a teaser of the Clan vs Clan Tournament beta-launch (it will be visible for everyone, not only those Clans that are eligible for participation). The active phase of the CVC Tournament starts 24 hours after this – on April, 13th. This day is exactly when you’ll find out whether your Clan is in! And don’t get disappointed if your Clan is not among the participants! The Global launch is scheduled shortly after the beta-test. Moreover, you’ll have some time to prepare for this event and make sure that your Clan is ready to compete!
And the last but not least, all 1,700 Clans will be divided into six Tournament Tiers. The division may not seem even (Tiers II – VI will contain only several Clans, while others will go to Tier I). This kind of Tiers distribution will be relevant only for the beta launch, though. Later, the system will change a bit.
On Sunday, you will see in-game news with all the details of the first Clan vs Clan Tournament. We hope you are as excited as we are.
It’s high time that we all start active preparations for the start!
Until I see what the final Beta looks like, I’ll reserve judgement.
I’m not a big fan of the fact that it doesn’t have anything new, it’s just the same old activities reiterated, and it doesn’t even have a doom tower objectives. Why not? Seems bizzare…
I mean, if you do Clan vs Clan then do something that’s not just the same old thing in a new packaging. At a very least gimme a new boss to fight. Or better yet: Build what Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes has, maybe mix it up with factions (e.g. make sectors where only Gaellen Pact teams can be deployed).