Published On: June 28, 2024
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New Champion Event: Packmaster Shy’ek

There’s a new Orc in town! Plarium has announced the release of a new Raid: Shadow Legends Champion, Packmaster Shy’ek, and a new Champion Fragment Event to earn him.

Champion Fragment Events require you to collect Champion Fragments (usually 100) to Summon the Champion themselves. Champion Fragments will be available to earn from various in-game events. The event will go live on July 4th. We’ll cover the full event as soon as we have the details, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, let’s take a look at the new doggo-loving Champion and his Skills.

Packmaster Shy’Ek

Packmaster Shy'ek from the New Champion Event in Raid

Shy’ek’s concept is interesting, as he’s based around teaming up with various canine companions. When Terrorbeast, Goremask, Hound-Spawn, Hellfang, Fellhound, or Stitched Beast join him in battle, he gets benefits to his kit.

Standard Skills (without Packhounds):

  • The A1 Skill has a chance to land a [Decrease DEF] debuff on the enemy
  • The A2 Skill allows Packmaster Shy’ek to self-heal (50% of his max HP) while placing [Shield], [Taunt], and [Reflect Damage] Buffs on himself
  • The A3 Skill will increase allies’ Turn Meters by 25% with a chance to place [Block Buffs] on all enemies.
  • The Passive Skill will place a [Hex] on his attacker. The [Hex] placed by Shy’ek will also increase all damage the affected enemy takes from allies that ally attack by 20%

Enhanced Skills (with Packhounds):

  • Shy’ek’s A1 will now also trigger an ally attack for all accompanying hounds
  • A2 Skill Buffs will also be protected and cannot be stolen
  • A3 Skill [Block Buffs] will be irresistible, and all hound allies will automatically counterattack when Shy’ek is attacked

We can expect more hound type Champions to be joining Shy’ek’s pack soon too, it seems, according to Plarium:

“By the way, if you’re not impressed with his current roster of loyal hounds, just wait—Packmaster Shy’ek is always on the lookout for new members to add to his pack, and who knows what beast will join his side next 😏”

Packmaster Shy’ek First Impressions

His A1 and A2 skills are decent, but nothing exceptional. Having an army of hounds at the Packmaster’s commands is a fun concept, but not practical given that hound Champions are generally lacking. That said, given we have hints that new hound Champions are on the way, this could be one to watch.

Shy’ek’s real value comes from his Passive, which can [Hex] his attacker, and his ability to land [Block Buffs] on all enemies. Having another Champion that can reliably land this Debuff combination is certainly welcome!

Keep an eye out for Shy’ek in the Champion Tier List – we’ll fully rate him as soon as the HH Gaming team has given him a test run.

Check out the HellHades video for more first impressions about this Champion too!

What do you think of this new champion? Will you go for him when the event starts? Let us know in the comments!

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No Nope
No Nope
14 hours ago

A block buffs and hex champ (plus mischief tank) is still useable in hydra even if they don’t release any competent dogs to pair with him.Could replace block buffs and heal champs or block buffs and damage champs depending on your team composition. Still, fingers crossed for some cool dogs