Guaranteed Champions
Published On: July 24, 2023
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Another 10x event… and 2 Guaranteed Champions?!


So Raid have announced that there will be  more 10x events this week, 3 to be precise. We have one on the 25th, 26th and 27th all including different champions.

Then on top of this we have 2 different guaranteed champions, one with ancient shards and one with Void shards. But we will get to Plariums announcement below:

Plarium Announcement

Hey fellas! We’re planning to launch a few events simultaneously this week:

This Tuesday, July 25th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon the following Champions from Ancient, Sacred, and Void Shards 

This event will be active for 24 hours.

Also, this Wednesday, July 26th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon the following Champions from Ancient, Sacred, and Void Shards 

This event will last 24 hours.

Moreover, this Thursday, July 27th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon the following Champions from Ancient, Sacred, and Void Shards 

This event will be active for 23 hours.

Key Things to Note

Now this isn’t the first time some of these champs have had their 10x spotlight but some key things to note are during 10x Events is that it is incredibly rare to get the specific Champion, especially when it comes to Non-Voids as Plarium are continuously increasing the amount of Champions in the game, and each new Champion further reduces the effectiveness of 10x Events.

One of the other important things to think about is the fact that 10x Events only have the standard chances to actually get a legendary before you worry about which legendary you’re getting – which at 0.5% for Ancients and Voids, and 6% for Sacred Shards… is not very high!

Guaranteed Champions

On top of this Raid are doing a couple of guaranteed Epic Champions lets see what Raid have announced:

And also, we’re planning to launch a Guaranteed Champion events simultaneously with the x10 events.]

This Tuesday, July 25th, summon Champions using Ancient Shards while the event is active, and you are guaranteed to get Wyrennon the Silken by your 40th Ancient Shard This event will last 36 hours.

Also, this Wednesday, July 26th, summon Champions using Void Shards while the event is active, and you are guaranteed to get White Dryad Nia by your 30th Void Shards This event will be active for 35 hours.

Remember, if you do happen to summon Guaranteed Champion before your 40th Ancient Shard or 30th Void Shard, your event will end.

Do we think these guaranteed champions are worth it?

Wyrennon the Silken is great for Faction Wars. Wyrennon’s kit centers around the Grace of Immortals ability, which proves invaluable in battles. This skill has the remarkable ability to resurrect a fallen ally with 50% of their health restored and grants them 30% Turn Meter, ensuring they can quickly rejoin the fight. Moreover, it provides a continuous heal buff, steadily restoring health over time by 15%. The fact that this skill has a cooldown of 4 turns makes it particularly advantageous for PVE encounters. Additionally, Wyrennon offers a valuable 20% speed aura during faction wars, facilitating your team’s swiftness and efficiency. While Wyrennon might not rank as the absolute best support Epic in Raid, the overall kit is still quite decent and can prove to be a valuable asset on the battlefield.


White Dryad Nia emerges as an exceptional Clan Boss Ally protectorfor all the team on a 3 turn cooldown alongside a weak version of strengthen.

What sets Nia apart and makes her truly unique is her A2 ability. She singularly targets an ally, usually the one with the highest team order, and accomplishes a series of remarkable feats. Firstly, she purges all debuffs from the chosen ally, ensuring a clean slate. Next, she grants a substantial healing effect, revitalizing the ally’s health. Most impressively, she reduces the cooldowns of all their skills by an incredible 2 turns, much like a single target Renegade reset. This powerful move provides diverse tactical options, from cleansing stuns and resetting abilities to safeguarding allies from defeat, allowing for a broad range of speed tunes.

Nia’s A1 delivers an area-of-effect Decrease Speed, making her exceptionally potent against Hydra encounters. When combined with her A2 skill, it becomes possible to place an enemy’s maximum HP champion in the lead position, significantly amplifying the team’s damage output. Remarkably, her A2 has a remarkably short cooldown when compared to other skill resets, adding to her effectiveness in prolonged battles.

Here are HellHades thoughts

What are your thoughts on all these 10x events and these guaranteed epics?

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1 year ago

i pulled Wyrennon during the last fusion otherwise i would have gone for her in this guaranteed, she is great in FW. I don’t really use her anywhere else yet.