Published On: August 3, 2023
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Massive 10x Event – Hydra Damage Dealers!


Plarium has just announced a 10x Event for this weekend, which will coincide with the Emic Trunkheart Fusion, featuring some of Raid’s most prolific Hydra Damage Dealers.

This comes just in time for the Hydra Clash that will begin next week (August 9th) after the Hydra Clan Boss Reset.

This is a great opportunity to pick up some extra firepower for your teams, whilst being forced into opening shards for the Fusion Event.

Plarium Announcement:

Hey y’all!

This Friday, August 4th, we’re planning to launch an x10 event to summon the following Champions from Ancient, Sacred, and Void Shards

Should you be pulling shards?

As always, whether you pull shards or not is a decision you need to make yourself, however, we can advise you with the following points:

  • If you are going for the Emic Trunkheart Fusion, you will need to pick up some Fragments to get your hands on your Epic Champions!
  • The chances to get Legendaries are not increased, only the chance to get SPECIFIC ones, meaning unless you are close to the Pity System kicking in, your chances of getting a legendary is very small (0.5% for Ancients and Voids, 6% for Sacred Shards).
  • 10x Events are constantly getting worse with the influx of newly added Champions, due to the increase of Champions diluting the summon pool.

If you are partaking in the Emic Fusion, be sure to check out our Fusion Guide, which will be updated each day that new Events are released, helping you to keep track and get your hands on this Legendary Champion!


Are you going to summon for this 10x event for Hydra Damage Dealers? Let us know in the comments!

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11 months ago

Not sure if I want to pull my shards for this event for the 25 fragments or if I want to wait for the mid week extra summon rush for the 50 fragments. I already have most of these champs apart from Geo, Ma’Shalled, and Acrizia (arguably the best three), but if I had to guess I would think the point requirements for the 50 fragments are going to be much higher. Decisions decisions….

Solaris Sungod
Solaris Sungod
11 months ago
Reply to  Gramps1702

I would be afraid to risk it. What if the second event has a ridiculous goal in order to get the full 50 points? You would have missed out on the fusion or spent unnecessarily.

11 months ago

I already have all of these. Multiples of Trunda and Ma’Shalled even. I wouldn’t mind a second Acrizia but I’m a long way from mercy and don’t have a huge pile of void shards. I’m with the comment above, might be best to wait until next week.

11 months ago

Nasty thought popped into my head….What if the “bonus” summon is for stones, not shards? No, info here other than it might be possible???

11 months ago
Reply to  123_Bubba

Oof… I didn’t think of that. I guess we’ll have the weekend to think on it if we don’t want to use shards this weekend.

While I do have a decent stockpile of stones, I doubt I’d have enough for a summon event featuring them.

11 months ago
Reply to  123_Bubba

Oh I didn’t think of that either. That would be very bad for me (less than 20 mortals and 3 immortals). I would hope that Plarium would give more of a hint that it might be soulstone summoning rather than shards if that was going to be the case, but they’ve done sketchy things in the past before. I could always do this weekend AND the mid week one if it’s good and skip the champ chase and one of the dungeon divers events. That might be a nice safe compromise.

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
11 months ago

La voglia di tirare c’è ma fino ad oggi il 10x non mi è stato mai favorevole…..

11 months ago

Yeah, I’ve gotten a handful of epic x10 champs (still not a geo) and only one x10 lego, but I know even that much is quite lucky. The odds of x10 are really awful. But seeing as Plarium is never going to give us better odds at the top tier champs, x10 is the best time to go for them.

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
11 months ago

Come volevasi dimostrare…..15 blu e 2 viola….solo polli. Grazie ancora Plarium!!!

Stefan Johansson
Stefan Johansson
11 months ago

Pulled 7 voids and got Acrizia :)
Pulled 3 sacred and got crap epics :(
Still happy tho now i just have to pull about 1000 green ones…

11 months ago

Very lucky! I’ll take those odds any day

Andrew Ratcliffe
Andrew Ratcliffe
11 months ago

I’m having nothing to do with the fusion, but I did pull Geo today from a single ancient shard that came from Dragon farming. So it helped me out, a lot.

11 months ago

Aint doing fusion so i pulled shards , all for the lego books .. got turvold .. 3 more voids to go .. i just want acryzia :P blind hope but still 3 lego books that i desperatly need !

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
11 months ago

Dopo altri 20 blu ho avuto un lego che fa schifo,Capobellico!!! Il 10x è da dimenticare!!!! Non lo tirerò più. Plarium non ti si può commentare!!!