Guaranteed Summons Event
Published On: June 8, 2023
Start your Raid Journey Today!

Best Guaranteed Champion Event!


Raid has just announced they are planning a 10x event and a Guaranteed Summons Event in the very near future and you will not want to miss out on this one! One of the best!, the guaranteed champion is top drawer and players may look to use their saved shards for it as it will transform your account massively.

The 10x is a great opportunity to pick up some incredibly valuable Champions in Raid Shadow Legends, if you get lucky and hit the desired champion. The Fusion Summon Rush does fall into the same time so it is a nice double dip but as always with 10x events it is still normal summoning odds so 0.5x for Ancient, 0.5x for voids and 6% for Sacred Shards.

Plarium Announcement

Hey fellas!

We’re planning to launch a few events simultaneously this week: (1) This Friday, June 9th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon the following Champions from Ancient, Sacred, and Void Shards

Wythir the Crowned
Elva Autumnborn
King Gallcobar
Inquisitor Shamael

And also, we’re planning to launch a Guaranteed Champion event simultaneously with the x10 event. Summon Champions using Void Shards while the event is active, and you are guaranteed to get Demytha by your 25th Void Shard Remember, if you do happen to summon Demytha before your 25th Void Shard, your event will end.


Should you be pulling your shards?

If you do not have a Demytha and you have some saved shards then we would definitely recommend pulling for this champion as she is one of the best for Clanboss with her [Block Damage]. Demytha not only has a Block Damage ability on her A3 but she also will extend buffs on her A2 unlocking some unique opportunities in Clan Boss. Demytha is a Legendary champion in disguise and top tier for any player at any stage of progression. If you want to see her in action check out Hellhades Demytha guide.

As for the 10x Event, it is in line with the Fusion so if you are pulling for the Summon Rush then it would be a good idea to double dip and grab any extras that you get! However if you are not going for the fusion and you know you are close to your mercy then getting some Cleansing Champions isn’t an awful idea, unless your account is stacked with them of course.

Uugo is one of the standouts from this group as he is also a Legendary champion in an Epic skin! He is a beast for Hydra and having multiple copies is not a bad thing at all!

Will you be getting involved in any of the Anniversary Summon Events? Let us know in the comments!

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1 year ago

The guarantees have been so expensive recently that I started spending the shards again, only for them to make them a little cheaper again. Grumble grumble…

1 year ago

I don’t have an amazing roster, but I’ve gotten 4 demitasse. Even if I didn’t have her I wouldn’t bother because she’s pretty common. I’ll wait for a garunteed leggo. Super disappointed with the events this month. 10x are awesome, but 10x is a bit of a ripoff. I NEVER skip an event legendary, but this one I will.

1 year ago
Reply to  Deathnaught

She’s not common for me. Over a year in and still haven’t gotten one. Definitely going for her. It just sucks I wasted my void mercy during the X10 for Acrizia on a Wurlim. A Tuhanarak would have been much nicer lol.

1 year ago

Not sure why Plarium went with a guaranteed epic for voids again….Do many people even care about this?! I’m well aware of how good she is (I use her in my UNM/NM/Brutal CB team) but where’s the guaranteed legendary?!

1 year ago
Reply to  LordLoveMuscle

They went with it cause it doesnt require a lot of shards compared to a guaranteed lego and it might sway people into doing the fusion. Lets be honest, they announced this guaranteed the very last moment because they saw how much people dislike the two summon rushes calendar for the fusion.

1 year ago

This is killing me as I only have 9 voids and would be happy to spend gems to get more – but none are available in the shop. I really could use Demytha in those dungeons.

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
1 year ago

Ho usato 22 blu e 4 viola per ottenere nulla. Il 10x è una fregatura!!!