Nub's top 10 Champions for Arena
Published On: July 1, 2024
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Nub’s top 10 Champions for Arena

Not sure who to add to your Raid: Shadow Legends Arena team? HH Gaming’s Nub Raids’s top 10 Champions for Arena are a great place to start (make sure to head to Nub Raid’s YouTube channel for more Raid tips too!).

Nub’s favourites feature some of the top damage dealers (or nukers) for an Arena team. You’ll also find some excellent Champion choices to lockout your opponent’s team, healers to keep your Champions Buffed and fighting, and more.

Here are Nub Raids’s top choices and why he chose them :


starsage galathir portrait

“If there’s one champion who scares me more than any other in the arena, it’s Starsage Galathir. He’s a combination of a supercharged Duchess-style champ in Form 1 and a supercharged Lady Mikage-style champ in Form 2.

He has crazy stats and a Passive which gives huge bonuses to each of his forms. Often, it feels like the only thing you can do against Galathir is to pray that Polymorph locks him down in Form 2, because otherwise, you’ll never get a turn against him!”


krixia portrait

“Lockout has dominated Arena since the beginning of the game, so it’s no surprise that I’m ranking the mythical lockout at number two! The key things she brings are a Buff strip and lockout in Form 1, then a cleanse and skill reset in Form 2.

The Form swapping is a massive benefit here, since it means that your team can use their good moves too before she resets them, unlike Yumeko who must do both at once. It also protects your team from lockout since she can simply swap to Form 2 to undo the lockout on you.”


“After his buff, this champion became absolutely terrifying! In Form 1 he has crazy damage potential and can easily wipe out an entire team with his A3 attack, even without [Increase ATK] to boost him.

His Passives are now a nightmare to fight as well, since he will swap to his second Form and revive his whole team with two turns of block damage if you don’t kill him first. He also can prevent his first death and automatically heal up with two turns of block damage as well. Basically, you can’t kill his team and you can’t kill him while he can easily kill you… A killer combo if you will!”


marichka portrait

“Marichka stands tall as top tier in Arena despite the crazy power creep that’s come in 2024 so far. She brings an immense amount of healing and team protection and can counter the Life Harvest blessing.

She has a team revive with no cooldown whenever she is killed. She protects your team from [Bomb] and [HP Burn], which are currently the best way to consistently attack [Stoneskin]. And finally, her A1 ally attack is always a huge threat to any team even if they have lockout or Ultimate Death Knight!”


taras portrait

“It’s probably also not a surprise that Taras has remained a top-tier champion in Arena as well… His kit is just so overloaded compared to any other HP-based nuker.

For one, destroying his Max HP does not reduce his damage, unlike every single other HP nuker in the game. Secondly, he takes 50% damage from enemy skills, making him incredibly tanky. Thirdly, his damage is insanely high and scales with the amount of Buffs your team has, which is a huge part of the current [Polymorph] meta.

This isn’t even mentioning his combos with Marichka where he hammers his enemies with A2 counterattacks! Despite Narses and Ankora being specifically released to counter the Ukrainian duo, they still are a force to be reckoned with.”


Armanz the magnificent Portrait

“The strongest Arena fusion of all time, Armanz has become the staple first pick/first ban of every Live Arena match since his release. With his A2 Skill he can basically permanently lock an entire team out from taking any turns all by himself, and his A3 gives a very reliable counter to [Stoneskin] or other problematic Champs as well.

I do feel sorry for any players that joined after his fusion, or weren’t able to complete it at the time: it must be a miserable experience to have to face him in every Live Arena draft.”


wight king narses portrait

“Narses is currently the best nuker that I personally own on my account thanks to his guaranteed event, and he is an absolute monster in the Arena.

His strongest Skill, Desecration Blast (A2), ignores [Shield] and [Strengthen] Buffs entirely, even double-hitting against them. Coupled with his ability to ignore enemy Passives (especially Rotos’s) with his damage, this lets him rip through the old Arena defence meta with ease: Duchess, Nekhret and Marichka are all juicy targets for him!

Ankora makes him much more powerful as well, protecting him from control debuffs and resetting his skills. In my mind there’s no question that he’s the best arena guaranteed Champion ever introduced, and it’s not even close.”

Wight Queen Ankora

wight queen ankora portrait

“Ankora has the honor of being arguably the best regular reviver for Arena in the game right now, easily competing with the likes of Siphi and mostly outstripping Duchess in my opinion! Ironically, her Arena strength was really underrated at the time of her release, where many of us assumed she’d only really be good with Narses. While the two are an absolutely incredible pairing, Ankora is fantastic in general as well.

She’s really tanky, she protects your nuker from crowd control with her passive, and her revive can win an entire fight since it can bring your nuker back with their cooldowns fully reset. Her A1 is sneakily strong as well and gives you a strong way to fight back against lockout Champions.”

Marius the Gallant

Marius the Gallant Portrait

“The new Void Legendary Champion from Missions is not only a beast in PvE content but he can dominate the arena as well.

His Passive and A1 are a fantastic combo. With his Passive he is immune to Turn Meter and counterattacks whenever an enemy tries to do it to him, or when an enemy Mythical changes Form. His A1 is an AoE attack with a 50% chance to place [Enfeeble], which can cripple enemy damage dealers or debuffers.

This combo provides a strong counter to popular champions such as Armanz, Ankora, or Lady Mikage, and gives players a way to fight back against Mythicals who will usually lose [Stoneskin] or block debuffs when swapping forms. I’m expecting to see Marius constantly in arena once more players finish the missions for him.”

Ultimate Death Knight

Ultimate Deathknight

“The best meme of Raid: Shadow Legends and still one of its top arena champions, Ultimate Death Knight remains relevant as a hard counter to single-target champions (such as Rotos) and a real pain to deal with on Arena defence.

Build him super slow in [Stoneskin] and sit back while he defends your team and stalls out the enemy’s attacks. He’s especially annoying when paired with other top-tier champs and very much limits many players ability to use single-target damage dealers in arena. Many players got him for free as well, so he’s all over the place in arena!”

If you’re looking for more tips on building teams for the Raid: Shadow Legends Arena, head over to the HH Gaming Discord.

Check out our guide to the Raid: Shadow Legends Arena for some additional team build ideas and general Arena advice too.

Who are your most effective Arena Champions? Let us know in the comments below!

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