Progressive Summon Event
Published On: May 16, 2024
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x15 Progressive Summon Event!

This weekend’s x15 Progressive Summon event has landed, and it’s a big one! 

Most events have the same Legendary and Epic Champions claimable for the whole event – but this weekend’s Progressive Summon (on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of May) has different Champions available every day!

You’ll have a x15 chance to win your Champions of choice from certain pools of Ancient, Primal, Sacred, and Void Shards. This will be an important event if you’re aiming to complete the current Fusion for Vault Keeper Wixwell, as you can grab some of the essential Rare and Epic Champions.

Here’s Plarium’s full announcement:

Plarium Announcement

Hey y’all! I have some news about the upcoming events:

This Friday, May 17th, we’re planning to launch Progressive Chance Event, giving you at least x15 chance to summon the Champions of your choice from the selected pool from Ancient, Primal, Sacred, and Void Shards.

1 Slot Legendary Champions:

1 Slot Epic Champions:

Also, on Saturday, May 18th, we’re planning to launch Progressive Chance Event, giving you at least x15 chance to summon the Champions of your choice from the selected pool from Ancient, Primal, Sacred, and Void Shards.

1 Slot Legendary Champions:

1 Slot Epic Champions:

Also, on Sunday, May 19th, we’re planning to launch Progressive Chance Event, giving you at least x15 chance to summon the Champions of your choice from the selected pool from Ancient, Primal, Sacred, and Void Shards.

1 Slot Legendary Champions:

1 Slot Epic Champions:

All events will last 24 hours.

What is a Progressive Summon Event?

Unlike x2 events, where the odds of pulling a specific rarity is increased, progressive summons increase the chance that should you pull the higher rarity i.e. Legendary then you have an increased chance of earning the selected champion. If you pull the rarity then the chances increase when you pull the rarity again. The way it works is quite simple:

When you summon a champion, there is a 1 / total possible champions in that rarity. When you take part in a progressive summon, the total possible champions is increased by 14 for the champion you selected and you instead gain a 15 / total possible champions in that rarity + 14. This means the chances of acquiring the 1 champion that you select increases.

To get started, you select 1 champion from the list of available options per rarity and per shard. You will increase the odds by x15. Once you pull the rarity the odds increase to x20 and finally if you pull the rarity a second time it increases to a x25. Naturally, if you go 2 legendary deep then the chances of pulling your desired legendary on the third pull is the best outside of guaranteed summon events.

Who should you choose?

You can only select 1 champion of each rarity per shard so making the right choice is important. Fortunately, you can change your choice at any point during the summon event. Your choice will depend on who is already in your roster and what gaps you are looking to fill. We believe the options below are the best for most accounts as these champions provide the best overall power.

Day 1: Friday, May 17th

These champions focus on Reviving and Strong Damage Dealing. Glaicad provides the perfect veil for your Hydra teams or you can get some substantial damage dealers in Wukong, Razelvarg and Valkanen. This day also has Locwain for the Mikage Fusion.

Glaicad of the Meltwater Portrait


Hydra Torment Counter with Support!


Universal Carry and Top 3 Champion!

Deacon Armstrong

Progression God with Strong Team Support!


The very best Epic Nuker for Arena!

Day 2: Saturday, May 18th

These champions focus on Ally Protection and are capable of supporting your team in all aspects of the game. The latest champion, Giath the Truthshield, also offers unique interactions with the Reflect Damage Buff.

Giath Truthshield Portrait


Strong Damage Protector and Unique Kit!

Krisk the Ageless

Krisk the Ageless

Will perform well in any team build!

Toragi the Frog

Best Epic Ally Protector in the game!

white dryad nia portrait

White Dryad Nia

Reset your Ally Abilities and remove Debuffs!

Day 3: Sunday, May 19th

These champions focus on Continuous Heals with the new Senna Amberheart Void Legendary capable of extending and activating the buffs. This set also has powerful solo champions, alongside a raft of Epics for the Mikage Fusion.

elva autumnborn portrait

Elva Autumnborn

Cleanse, Buff, Heal, Revive!


Cleanse with Block Buffs – perfect for Hydra!

eolfrig portrait


Quality Turn Meter Boost with Support buffs!



Unlock Clan Boss with Block Damage!

Should you Summon?

As we mentioned above, this event is included as part of the Vault Keeper Wixwell Fusion, and will be aligned with the Summon Rush Event which allows you to pick up one copy of the rare Champion Teryx, and a full copy of the Epic required for the Fusion.

This Summon Rush is mandatory to get, at the bare minimum, the rare champion. However many players will opt to push to get the Epic Champion as this allows them to skip up to 4 other events during the fusion events.

With this aside, Progressive Chance Events are a good opportunity to pick up some of your most wanted champions in RAID, and there are some top-tier support champions available from this particular event.

Are you going for this Progressive Summons Event? Let us know who you’re after in the comments!

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