Elva Autumnborn
Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Elva Autumnborn Overview
Born from the very fabric of the forest Elva knew very little of her existence other than a spark of life. The first beings she encountered were the Sylvan watchers, who found her and began to teach her their ways. She took on their humanoid form and vouched to protect them from harm.
Elva Autumnborn was added to Raid during the patch 6.20 along with the new faction the Sylvan Watchers. One of the first legendaries in this faction but with a great support kit bringing a single target revive, a team speed increase and block debuffs and a strong A1 with healing. Her passive has a similar heal to a Scyl of the Drakes or Siphi and many make comparisons with her saying she is the non void version of Siphi known as a great champion!
She can be useful almost anywhere in Raid with this kit!
Elva Autumnborn PVE Masteries
Elva Autumnborn PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Elva Autumnborn Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Speed, HP%, DEF%, CRIT, ATK%
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Speed, Regen, Guardian, Stalwart
Recommended PVP Stats
Speed, HP%, DEF%, CRIT, ATK%
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Speed, Stoneskin, Protection