Published On: August 7, 2023
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2 for 1 Sacred Shards! 10x Event!


Plarium has announced a Special Summoning Event this week that will count as a ‘Bonus Summon Rush’ towards the Emic Trunkheart Fusion.

The Fragments available in this Event, are not necessarily needed for the Fusion completion, however, they do allow you to skip other events going forward if you so decide to, with 50 Fragments counting as two events/tournaments.

Let’s have a look at what’s in store for us tomorrow…

Plarium Announcement:

Hey fellas!

We’re planning to launch a few events simultaneously this week:

(1) On Tuesday, August 8th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon the following Champions from Ancient, Sacred, and Void Shards.

(2) Also, we’re planning to launch an Extra Legendary event for Sacred Shards.

You’ve already familiar with the mechanics, if you summon a Legendary Champion from a Sacred Shard during this event, you’ll get a different, extra one from that same Shard. It works only once per user per event.

You won’t be charged Silver for the Extra Summon. Although, keep in mind, the Extra Champion won’t be counted towards Quests, Events, or Tournaments.

The events will be active for 48 hours.

Should you be pulling shards?

Usually mid-week Summon Events, however common they may be, are a bit of bait, and a way of getting us to burn our much-needed resources between Fusion Events, however – that is not the case this time, as Plarium has added a third summoning event to the fusion schedule, allowing us to pick up a bonus 50 Fragments from this weeks summons.

These Fragments can be used to bypass two events, whatever they may be (if you complete the Summon Rush – we do not know the point requirement yet!)

So, if you have the shards available, cashing in on the 2 for 1 Sacred Event might be a great idea!

It is important to note, that with 10x and Double Legendary events, the standard chances apply, so there will be no 2x event alongside this, so if you are to get a Legendary from a Sacred Shard (6% chance) – then you will be lucky enough to get a second alongside it, but it will be a smaller chance of getting a legendary compared to 2x Events.

Don’t hold out too much hope on getting the 10x Champions either, as these events are getting progressively worse as more champions are added to the game, the odds of actually getting a 10x champion are INCREDIBLY low, especially for ‘Non Voids’.

Will you be going for the 2 for 1 sacred event? Let us know in the comments!

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Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
1 year ago

Sono stato fregato troppe volte e quindi stavolta non tirerò nessuna scheggia!!!

Kara Antonsen
Kara Antonsen
1 year ago

Ooo a double lego.. i was pulling regardless as my f2p accounts are all day 700 login so have 3 lego and 3 epics to pull during chase as well as finishing rhazin epics and the epics for fusion.. easy af 5k chase points with no shard pulls lel

Lethallin Feanor
Lethallin Feanor
1 year ago

Unfortunately no shards left after the last summon event and the clan boss chests are just throwing out BS at the moment. I would be willing to buy packages but greedy Plarium isn’t willing to give out fair deals. 30€ for one sacred shard?

1 year ago

I wasn’T sure, should I do the second summon rush, and shorten the fusion or just wait for champion chase.

Well, I got myself as the +1 a Royal Huntsman.
Could be better, but… I like hard hitting bows :-)

1 year ago

This event was nice, finished my Banner Lords legendary faction guardians and finally pulled Harima.