2 Super Raid Events this week!
Plarium announced this weekend that in this upcoming week, we will have Super Raids active on two of the Dungeons, which is a very rare occurrence outside of Fusion Events these days, which could mean there will be a surprise Event/Tournament that this will tie into announced early in the week.
If not, this is just a great opportunity to farm some gear with half the time investment!
Plarium Announcement
Enjoy plenty of activities in Raid this May!
- From 11:00 UTC, Monday May 1 to 11:00 UTC, Thursday, May 4 at the Ice Golem’s Peak.
- From 11:00 UTC, Thursday, May 4 to 11:00 UTC, Sunday, May 7 in the Fire Knight’s Castle.
There will be plenty more Events and Tournaments throughout May Week where you can earn lots of awesome rewards!
We’ll be releasing more news about these further upcoming in-game activities, so keep your eyes peeled. In the meantime, get ready to dive into Dungeons and watch the rewards pile up with Super Raids!
What are Super Raids?
Super Raids are a great way to get the most out of your time in Dungeon Runs.
They use twice the energy per run, but subsequently give you twice the rewards (artifacts, XP, Silver etc – it’s all doubled!)
So whilst you’re not ‘gaining’ any resources, you are cutting the time investment in half, allowing you get funnel more points into tournaments and events in a shorter time period.
Of course, it is worth noting, if your runs are not 100% successful, one failure would cost you twice the energy as you would subsequently fail both attempts.
You can either opt in, or opt out of Super Raids, and if as mentioned above, your runs are not completely reliable, we recommend NOT using this feature to save yourself the risk of losing more energy than necessary to fails.
Are you going to using either of these events? Or have an idea about what else we might see during the week? Let us know in the comments!