Published On: December 28, 2022
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2022 New Year Events Coming to Raid


Finish the year strong with a crazy weekend of summoning events in Raid: Shadow Legends alongside a weekend long free gear swapping event. Plarium have announced the following schedule:

  1. Starting at 11AM UTC on Friday, the 30th December 2022, there will be a 100% reduction in the cost of silver to swap artifacts and accessories. This expires on Monday, the 2nd January 2023 at 11AM UTC.
  2. Starting at 8AM UTC on Friday, the 30th December 2022, there will be DOUBLE the chance to earn Legendary Champions from Sacred Shards. This expires on Saturday, the 31st December 2022 at 8AM UTC.
  3. Starting at 8AM UTC on Saturday, the 31st December 2022, there will be DOUBLE the chance to earn Legendary and Epic Champions for Ancient Shards. This expires on Sunday, the 1st January 2023 at 8AM UTC.
  4. Starting at 8AM UTC on Sunday, the 1st January 2023, there will be DOUBLE the chance to earn Legendary and Epic champions from Void Shards. This expires on Monday, the 2nd January 2023 at 8AM UTC.

Alongside these events there will be a Winter’s Path start on Friday, the 30th December 2022 until Tuesday, the 3rd January 2023. This will be very much like the other Hero’s Paths, earn Snow Coins from Summoning Champions and Earning Artifacts and Accessories (Dungeon Divers) and exchange them for rewards on the paths. We won’t know the path contents or structure until it goes live but it may tempt you into pulling shards.


Make the most of the events


Normally we get a 50% reduction in silver cost event for swapping gear but this is the first time we have a weekend for a free gear swapping event. If you have been looking to build a new team, or rework some of your arena champions, this weekend is the time to do it! If you haven’t yet used our Optimiser tool why not give it a try this weekend – sign up for a free account here. As a special event, All Premium Features (including artifact ratings) will be enabled for ALL users until Monday, the 2nd January 2023.

Double Legendary events should be considered as the best time to pull your shards but you will be doing this outside of a fusion event and it is likely a new one will begin in a couple of weeks. Therefore, consider whether you can afford to use up your shards and still have enough to earn the fusion champion. The winter’s path may make this event worth pulling your shards as you will gain double the benefits depending the rewards. Keep an eye out for our video breakdowns from HellHades and Saphyrra on the rewards to see if its worth going for the event.


An End Of Year Gift?


Hidden away in the news posts, Plarium have confirmed that All players will receive a Free New Years Gift Chain on the 31st December 2022. We don’t know what this will include but make sure to check your shop on Saturday and pickup those free gifts that may or may not help you on the Winter’s Path.


Let us know in the comments if you are going to pull shards and which champion you most want to earn.

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Paladynka Paladynka
Paladynka Paladynka
2 years ago

These “double events” are most likely the worst and misleading events in Raid, because the chance of e.g. 0.0000000001
is so small for a legendary character, for example, that increasing this chance during these crappy events to 0.0000000002 – practically doesn’t matter.

It’s better to collect shards for “fusion events” or “events with a guaranteed legendary or epic character” and then exchange them for a character if that character is good and we have the right amount of shards.

2 years ago

I partly agree, but 1/200 to 1/100 is a very significant boost. The odds aren’t that bad.

2 years ago

I’m not sure where you got odds of 1/10,000,000,000 (your 0.0000000001 example), but the odds are nowhere near that bad. Your odds there are 34 times worse than winning the Powerball.

2 years ago

100% reduction in the cost of silver cost to swap artifacts and accessories should be permanent ! its stupid how you have to paid thousands or in some cases millions of silver to try different gear on a few champions.

2 years ago

double the odds but i think in most cases it is better to save the shards for the next fusion or a guaranteed event. but if you are a newish player and not capable of completing the requirements for a fusion or desperate for some good champions it is worth using some shards in the 2x events.

2 years ago

I don’t like casino. So I don’t open.