2x Lifesteal Event! Get your farm on!
With the current situation, it’s very unlikely for us to get pre-warning for events that are due to happen, just like this surprise Drop Fever Event.
There is currently an active Drop Fever Event happening in Dragon’s Lair, for the next 2 days you’ll be able to get increased rates of dropping Life Steal gear from your runs. While this event is not the greatest for mid-late game players, it is phenomenal for early-mid players.
Lifesteal is one of the best sets you can kit out your champions with in the early game to help them survive, especially for Clan Boss.
This is arguably the second-best Fever Event for newer players, behind Speed.
If this event is relevant to you, it’s time to gear up your Dragon Teams, and farm till you can’t farm any longer! Kit out your teams and boost your progression! For those who can, farming stage 13 and 16 are the best pre-20 stages, with the latter being the best, due to the removal of mystery shards/brews from the loot table.
Are you going for more lifesteal? Let us know in the comments!
Right now, I need more lifesteal than speed gear, so this event is at least going to help my account a bit.