2x Primal Shards
Published On: November 27, 2023
Start your Raid Journey Today!

2x Primal Shards


2x Primal Shards this Cyber Monday in Raid Shadow Legends! After saying they would never do this as it would create a massive divide they have gone against their word and now is the best time to pull your Primal shards for today only! Monday 27th/2023. Let’s hope you see Red!

If you plan to buy a pack or 2 on Cyber Monday then check out our offer calculator here to see if you are getting a good deal or not.

Let’s see what Plarium have said:

Plarium’s Announcement

“Hey, folks! Let’s celebrate this year’s Cyber Monday with a requested event we haven’t launched before. This Monday, November 27th, we’re planning to launch x2 event to summon Mythical Champions from Primal Shards.

Please, note, that chances to summon Epic and Legendary Champions from Primal Shards will remain the same”

Should you pull shards?

This is one of your best chances to get a Mythical champion and if you have any it may be worth pulling shards for it. It is not a guarantee you’ll get lucky as of course, RNG plays a massive role in your success but if you have been hoarding Primal shards then it may be a great time to let them go!

But, with that in mind, of course, there are other events that you need to bear in mind, like the upcoming Christmas Fusion; although we have several weeks before that is a concern.

As always with pulling shards, this is a decision you need to make on your own, but IF you are Free to play/Low Spend, it may be worth holding on to at least some of your shards in preparation for the next fusion event.

If you are the one to pull your shards then good luck we hope you see Red or at the very least Gold!


Will you be opening shards this Monday? Let us know in the comments!

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Jim Zouri
Jim Zouri
1 year ago

I saw blue…

1 year ago

5 spltter 3 blau 1 epic 1 leggi

1 year ago

I pulled 10 after previously just pulling 3 shards. Looked broken, got 3 mythical champs. Too bad that i cant post screenshot here