Best Legendary Champions for Dragon in Raid: Shadow Legends
Having one or two of the best Legendary Champions for Dragon Slaying when you face one of Raid: Shadow Legend’s most iconic Bosses, the Drake Hellrazor, can make a massive difference to your Dungeon run times. This is important, because his Dungeon is a popular farming location for powerful Artifact Sets.
There are frequently in-game Tournaments focused on Dragon destruction, too, so you can earn some valuable rewards for slapping down the scaly beast as fast as possible. It’s worthwhile finding the right Champions to take him down quickly (while also reducing your grind time significantly!) as a result.
The Dragon itself has a unique “power up” attack, Scorch, that requires players to deplete an additonal HP bar. Doing so avoids the Dragon’s breath attack (which can [Stun] your whole team!).
[Poison] is very effective as a result, as you can apply constant damage to the Dragon. A few big hitters to remove his Scorch HP bar quickly can also be useful.
With that in mind, here are the best Legendary Champions for Dragon Slaying in Raid: Shadow Legends. Check out our complete Dragon Boss Guide below too.
Acrizia’s Passive Skill makes her a boss-slaying… well, boss. She will do damage based on Enemy MAX HP (2% for her A1 Skill, 5% for her A2 and A3 Skills), which is deadly against high HP foes like the Dragon. Her A2 and A3 also hit twice, so you’ll be downsizing the Dragon into jerky-sized bits in no time.
Another great support Champion for Dragon teams, Yumeko can place [Hex] with her A1 Skill, which has a 55% chance of bouncing Dragon Debuffs straight back at him. Additionally, her A2 can reduce all your team’s Skill cooldowns by three turns, while increasing the enemy Skill cooldown by the same amount. Skill spam anyone?
Pythion’s excellent healing kit means he’ll work in almost any team, and Dragon is no different. His A1 Skill heals allies as he attacks the enemy, and he can also provide [Block Debuffs] for your team with his A2 Skill – very useful for ensuring the Dragon’s breath attack doesn’t cause you problems.
A massive armoured hulk with a soft side it seems, given that almost all Graazur’s Skills heal or protect allies. Additionally, all his Skills attack all enemies, making him excellent for clearing the path to the Dragon itself. To top it off, he will also heal allies for 70% of the damage he takes every time he is attacked, thanks to his Passive Skill.
If you’re lucky enough to acquire Gnut, the Dragon won’t be the only boss to fall to his axe. He has two three-hit attacks on his A1 and A3 Skills, and has some useful [Decrease DEF] and [Weaken] Debuffs on his A2. He also targets Enemy MAX HP for his damage, making him a tried and tested Dragon (and boss!) Slayer.
Having any one of the above Champions should help your Dragon runs succeed. Having more than one will make things a breeze, especially when they’re level 60. It’s also possible for some Champions, like Mithrala, to solo the Dragon, leaving you free slots to train up other Champions.
If you’re looking for more tips and tactics for Raid: Shadow Legend Bosses, make sure to head over to the HH Gaming Discord, and subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news and updates.