Published On: October 8, 2024
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Freyja Fateweaver – Champion Spotlight

Freyja Fateweaver is the Force Affinity representative from the Asgard Divide Event batch of champions. Freyja will be one of the most generally useful of the Asgard champions, since her strong protective skills will be useful in a wide variety of areas and her passive will be a game-changing ability in the arena.

Freyja has already appeared as the headline champion of a Summon Pool event, a 10X during a 2X Sacred Shard Event, and is now available as a guaranteed champion in a Deck of Fate event launched yesterday.


With her A1 attack, Freyja will attack all enemies, with a 40% chance to place a Provoke debuff for 1 turn. She will counterattack with this ability whenever a Shield placed by her A2 is broken. This is a solid A1 ability and will mostly be useful for provoking enemy damage-dealing champions, to protect your team. A 40% chance means this won’t be reliable for Hydra Clan Boss. With a 2.7 Def multiplier—and being Freyja’s only attacking move—this won’t do a particularly large amount of damage, and it is likely to not be worthwhile building Freyja with many damage stats because of it.

Her A2 skill is definitely a highlight of her kit. With this move, Freyja will place Increase Defence and a Shield buff on all allies for 2 turns. The nice thing about this move is that Freyja will apply the Increase Defence buff to herself before placing her Shield buff, which will enhance the power of this Shield. From testing, you should expect this to be one of the more powerful shields in the game: better than Wixwell’s base shield; similar to Helicath; not as strong as Valkyrie.

Her A3 is another powerful supporting ability, bringing a full team cleanse, a 2-turn Block Debuffs buff; and a 20% turn meter boost, all on a 3-turn cooldown. This move is multi-purpose, either allowing Freyja to be a relatively fast champion, speed boosting your team, or as a go-second champion, cleansing your team and getting them back into the fight.


Freyja’s passive set her apart from other champions.

The first half of this passive has no cooldown and will increase her defence by 5% (up to a 50% max) whenever an ally lands a critical hit. This extra defence will make Freyja more survivable, increase the damage of her A1, and boost the size of her Shield with her A2.

The second half of her passive, the “active” part, has a 5-turn cooldown. This passive will prevent the death of the ally with the highest C.DMG, except Freyja herself, and keep them alive with 1 HP when hit with a fatal hit. It will then heal that ally by 20% of their MAX HP and activate an Instant Turn effect on them.

This passive can be incredibly powerful at enabling a squishy nuker to get their damaging moves out without relying on stoneskin to protect them. When facing other squishy enemy teams, this can win a battle almost instantly! Thor is a fantastic pairing with Freyja since he hits incredibly hard yet has no means to protect himself within his own kit.

There are a couple of downsides to watch out for with this passive: firstly, if your high C.DMG champion is saved by Freyja after the first hit of a multi-hit skill, they can still die to the subsequent hits; secondly, most champions will be extremely vulnerable after it wears off since it only heals them by 20% MAX HP from 1 HP; thirdly, in arena, your nuker may end up taking their turn early thanks to the Instant Turn when the enemy is still protected by stoneskin or reaction.


The key stats to look out for on Freyja are:

  1. Defence
  2. Speed
  3. Resistance

Defence will increase the value of Freyja’s shield; Speed will let her cycle through her protective skills more frequently; resistance will enable her to resist debuffs and protect her own buffs to stay alive.

The recommended sets for Freyja for PVE are:

  1. Protection
  2. Cursed
  3. Guardian
  4. Defiant

Generally, we are looking for sets that will help Freyja to keep her team alive. Protection set will protect her buffs; Cursed set synergises with her AoE A1 against Hydra; Guardian helps mitigate the damage her team takes; and Defiant makes Freyja more survivable.

The recommended sets for Freyja for PVP are:

  1. Stoneskin
  2. Bolster
  3. Protection
  4. Supersonic

Stoneskin is key for Freyja in arena since it will almost always ensure that she stays alive to use her skills and passive to protect your team; Bolster is another powerful option that doubles down on her shielding capabilities; Protection can protect her buffs; and Supersonic can enable her to cut in against any teams.

Check out our full guide on Freyja to see detailed information on her best Masteries, etc.


An arena blessing is likely the highest priority for Freyja due to the unique power of her passive in that content. Temporal Chains is your go-to option for 1-5 stars, which will lower enemy speeds. Life Harvest could be another strong option which will punish enemy revivers and help Freyja take more turns and potentially even finish off revived damage dealers with her A1. At 6-stars, Polymorph will be the go-to blessing to protect Freyja and her team from debuffers or buff strippers.

For dungeon and boss content, Cruelty is likely your best option due to the AoE attack on Freyja’s A1. Note that the Warmaster mastery can trigger extra applications of Cruelty which is important for Freyja since she doesn’t attack at all with her two active skills. Harmonic Impulse could be another strong option for Hydra if you are struggling with her being feared due to her AoE A1.


Freyja will thrive in the arena where it can often be a struggle for players to keep their attack-based nukers (such as Thor) alive against enemy teams. She will be an extremely strong counter to enemy speed teams, since you can simply let them go first and let her passive prevent your damage-dealers death. You can potentially even build around her passive intentionally and build a strong damage dealer (such as Baron) with zero speed and maximum damage, with the intent to one-shot an enemy team.

Freyja will also be an incredible support option in any area of the game where you are struggling to keep your team alive, thanks to her strong protecting capabilities.

For Hydra she will not be a reliable solo-provoker for your team but could be a good supplemental provoke champion if you are struggling. She will be invaluable for players initially progressing in the game mode, and then gain another surge of value if you are able to build her in 9-piece protection for the teamwide damage boost.


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Kamil Mrozek
Kamil Mrozek
4 months ago

I use Freyja in my clan boss team together with Deacon, Ninja, Rector Drath and Fahrakin. Freyja is in Relentless gear and the second fastest after Deacon. But that results in a certain degree of unreliability, which is why I sometimes have to restart the run. Ninja and Rector in Reflex because I mainly rely on burn.
Freyja’s shield is so incredibly strong with the Increase Def that 50 waves are no problem and thus block damage or unkillable are no longer necessary.
In dungeons I use her with Seer. At the moment she has replaced all my other shield champions.
I even use her in PVP at the moment.