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Published On: December 19, 2020
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How to build a Speed Boost champion in Raid: Shadow Legends!


In this article, we are looking at a huge part of the game which could make or break your account in Raid: Shadow Legends! We are looking at building your speed boost/lead effectively so we can beat the opposing arena speed lead.

This guide is for everyone that plays Raid: Shadow Legends at any stage of the game. Whether you are fighting the normal campaign or finishing the nightmare campaign or pushing the later stages of Doom Tower this guide will impact you greatly!

What is a Speed Booster?

The idea of a speed booster is to boost your team’s speed and increase turn meter so you can use your abilities first and put your team on the front foot and could potentiality kill the enemy threat winning you the arena battle.

As an example for this guide, we will go over how HellHades built his High Khatun (a free to play champion that is accessed through daily login) so that you guys can take this concept and build it on your own speed boost and speed leads.

When building your speed boost we need to check to see if there are any skills which we need to land. If the champion has other debuffs then we need to include accuracy in our build but make sure it doesn’t sacrifice your speed.

We want to build all our artifacts in the speed set or divine speed set as long as you complete the set to gain the extra speed set bonuses.

This is vital and will make your speed lead from average to god tier. The importance of this is so we get more speed and allows us to outspeed the opponents and win the fight.

Let’s look at High Khatun. She is a free champion that everyone has access to from daily login rewards and will fill the role of a speed booster perfectly.


High Khatun

First we are going to start with the top 3 artifacts

With the top 3 you want to build as much speed as possible so we are going to use the in game tool to filter speed in sub stats and get as much as possible. Look out for the highest speed stat you have.

Do this for all 3, it doesn’t matter if the other sub stats are trash as we are looking for speed to be able to go first in the arena.

If you can find some accuracy it wouldn’t hurt but don’t sacrifice speed.

Next, we are going to complete the bottom set of artifacts

⦁ Gloves – If your speed booster is only for the arena then don’t focus on primary stat just get as much speed as possible in the sub stats. If this champion is going to be used in other parts of the game then get some hp% gloves so the champion isn’t targeted by mobs.
⦁ Chest – If this champion is going to be used primarily in the arena then get as much speed as you can from the sub stats. If you can build accuracy from the primary, and the sub stats has good speed rolls then use that as it will help hit your debuffs on the enemies.
⦁ Boots – Primary stat is speed and you want to roll this to get maximum speed out of the boots because it will be a big chunk of speed added to your stats.

Finally, we are going to have a look at the jewellery

⦁ Banner – here is a good time to add accuracy to your build so find an accuracy banner.
⦁ Amulet and ring – these 2 aren’t essential but try to find an accuracy sub stat as it will massively help with the debuffs on the opposing arena team.


With the masteries we are trying to maximize the speed we can achieve and the added stats will aid us in the arena and if we are using the speed boost in other areas of the game.

⦁ Pinpoint accuracy
Charged focus
⦁ Swarm smiter
⦁ Lore of steel
⦁ Evil eye
⦁ Sniper
⦁ Oppressor
⦁ Rapid response
⦁ Defiant
⦁ Improved parry
⦁ Wisdom of battle
⦁ Stubbornness
⦁ Retribution
⦁ Cycle of revenge
⦁ Rejuvenation

There are other masteries you could use if you are using the champ in different areas of the game but more of that another time. Use the above masteries to get the maximum out of your speed lead.

If you follow this speed lead guide then you will be gaining trophies in the arena in no time!

Remember to put all your trophies into your great hall!

For more tips and information watch the video below and have fun out speeding your opponents in the arena!

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3 years ago

When you boost a champions turn meter does it remember the extra amount for the next turn if you go over 100% or is the extra wasted ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Muppetmuppet

it does not cap at 100%, if you notice someone may hit 100% at same time as another champion, the slower champion may have hit first, but, after the 100% we can see, is an invisible buffer allowing the faster one to actually pass them(past 100% on in game tick) and attack beforehand

3 years ago

Do you think we should break set bonus to make our Champion faster?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tatouuotat


3 years ago

Yes, but you’ll notice I think that if you made the mistake of disliking Arena as I did for a long time, it’s much harder to get to Gold IV, and stay there once you’re there. Every 10 levels the arena difficulty resets upward… i’m on 91 right now, and my team that was slaying everything in sight in the late 80’s… Arbiter (273), Duchess(257, Ithos (223), and Seer(221), went from royalty to serfs over one day when I went over the hump into the 90’s. I have Lyssandra (255) but she’s not effective against most teams at my level… I get nuked even faster with Lyssandra second.

2 years ago
Reply to  Renaud_Magus

Try farming up more 6-star speed gear from dragon, and a better banner from Spider. You should also swap Seer out for an AOE dec def, t.ex. Warmaiden, Deacon, Spider or DRacomorph. After that, it should at least go better.

3 years ago

I am also finding that the mythical chimerical set of 6-star gold speed boots is a 1:1,000,000 proposition… the best boots I have are perception epic 6’s which are on Arb… how much energy/money did some folks spend to actually get a pair of speed boots that give them a 401 speed??? I’ve had one opp who had it, and I only saw one round of arena with them before being nuked into disugust.

2 years ago
Reply to  Renaud_Magus

The canche of getting Legendary boots with Speed primary is 1/6300 that is insane!! Let’s day you farm dragon 20 in 2 min means 1 boot in 210 hours! Even if you factor in Epic the chance combined is 1/1050 or 35 hours for 1 6-star (epic or legendary) boot with speed primary…

Even if you buy the sets with legendary gear it’s just 1/7 to get speed primary on boots… 1/7 for €50.

I just forged my bolster set items, first 10 got 7 helmets and 3 shields, Used charm to get chestpiece and got one, another charm to get weapon. but no…. Could not do more than 15 forges because of of material, which you can’t get more of, at least now… AND after 15 items forged I can not make a full set of bolster. Ended up with 9 helmets, 4 shields and 2 chestpieces…

better to buy lottery ticker to Eurolotto, better chances….

2 years ago
Reply to  Filtrum-

In reality the odds are way lower. I have maybe 20 speed mainstat leggo boots. And your gear will improve with time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Renaud_Magus

And NOBODY has mythical gear that quint rolled into something. Let me tell you how I got my boots for my Arb: I farmed NM campaign.

3 years ago

Last for today. Raid Codex states that the actual driver of your team power in Arena is a calculated aggregate and average of the amount quality gear you have stockpiled, and how much Resist you have in your gear plus your Great Hall Resist level.


If so, if you’re an Arena player, it’s almost more important to build Resist than Defense, and Hades advocates.

2 years ago
Reply to  Renaud_Magus

It is for a higher team power, but your team power doesn’t mean anything. My 75k team power team regularly beats 150k teams. What matters is the way your champions are geared and their synergy, not the team power.

2 years ago

first, thank you all, cheers, … is that mastery list above specific to high khatun or is that a general speed mastery for any champion? =/

2 years ago
Reply to  illuminaughty

Pretty much generic speed boster masteries. For most speed boosters there are specific masteries on their chmapion page on

2 years ago

How do you put your trophies into the Great Hall? And does it help anything?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ikon55

You gain medals by battling, and you put those into the Great Hall by presisng the upgrade button.