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Published On: December 17, 2020
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How to effectively farm masteries – Are they worth 800 gems?


Masteries are an incredibly important addition to any champions kit, especially the final tier, and getting these should not be taken lightly, the built-in option to buy these for 800 gems can be a very fast way of acquiring masteries quickly, but is it the best way?

Farming Minotaur for Masteries on one champion will take just over 2,000 energy, which isn’t a small amount and takes time – which is why a lot of people will opt to spend 800 gems to avoid spending the energy.

Providing you are able to farm stage 15 Minotaur, in most cases if you are willing to invest the gems into masteries to avoid the energy costs, you should spend around 640 gems on energy as this will see you through your masteries.

The benefit to doing this is you can use that energy to also level up the desired champion and acquire some silver along the way as opposed to just skipping those extras with 800 gems.

I appreciate this is a slightly time-consuming process, but it is the kind of thing that could be done through an auto clicker like BlueStacks overnight, which is just one of many reasons that Bluestacks will change the way you play this game completely!

I would always highly recommend exchanging fewer gems for energy to using this method unless either: you are unable to reliably farm stage 15 minotaur – for example your first few level 60 champions, you ideally would save gems for their masteries as it will enable you to progress so much further in the game, significantly faster.

The other reason would be that you are completely inundated with gems and have them to burn freely, but for most people, this isn’t the case, so think carefully about your resources before you spend upwards of 100 extra gems for instant gain – this game is a marathon, not a sprint.

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4 years ago

no volume for this video?

4 years ago
Reply to  LuvJugs

works for me man

3 years ago

Mr HH, any possibility of getting an updated vid on champs (and builds) best suited for farming?

3 years ago

You also get some silver when completing mino, so that is another factor to take into consideration.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rossasorous

He said that in the article

3 years ago

I got a question about Warmaster:
On a double hit, would it only roll 60% once to see if it procs, or would it roll on each, but cap at 1, so that it would be 1-(0.4^2) => 84% chance of occuring?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tyv

60% on each hit, can happen on both.

2 years ago
Reply to  SS2020user

Sorry, I was wrong, can only happen on one.

3 years ago

Approximately how many auto fights (playing at Mino 15) would it take, if I have the energy, and want to get full scrolls that way?

3 years ago
Reply to  ekimrelooc

~150 something. This is where “… just over 2,000 energy….” comes from as each round costs you 14 and then the RNG aspect of the game could result in you running more or less runs than that approximate amount because with scrolls it is not like you are getting x experience per run for y runs. On the plus side, the game will not give you too many of the wrong scroll, it just maxes it out on the characters that need them.

3 years ago
Reply to  ekimrelooc

Also, remember the guide suggested using an auto-clicker. Save your auto fights for dungeons or doing campaign to raise your chickens and earn money because these will let you can auto-sell.

For example, if all you need is level 4+ gear and you are still doing levels with 3-5 star rewards, generate more silver by having it auto sell the stuff you clearly don’t need anymore. The new filter upgrades has made getting rid of bad rarity or not enough star gear easier but it still takes time… something auto fights are perfect for solving before your inventory fills up, then your mailbox, at which point I think you just loose stuff. This is more important in campaign where using an auto-clicker could result in filling up inventory and mailbox with garbage gear resulting in no spots for champions to go when your hall is full.

With scrolls you don’t have to worry about that, so it is best to use an auto-clicker rather than auto battles.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sknips

gotta be careful with using a auto clicker if you end up with max scrolls on all champs you basically just lose them for any further runs so id set the clicker to run for like 145 runs and just manual the last few

2 years ago

How do you calculate 2000 energy for a champion?

2 years ago
Reply to  jdw

Level 15 Mino gives out;
24-32 (average 28) Basic Scrolls
11-16 (average 13, rounded down) Advanced Scrolls
6-12 (average 9) Divine Scrolls

To get full Mastery on a champion, you need a total of;
100 Basic (4 runs rounded up)
600 Advanced (46 Runs rounded down)
950 Divine (106 runs rounded up)
A total average run count of 156, costing 14 energy each is 2184 energy.

2 years ago

One usefull thing to do is to choose who you want to max their masteries and get at least 4 champions maxed. The scrolls you can earn even when the champion is lower star level. That way when you get a champion you want to increase masteries on you just add him with the 4 that are maxed and you get scrolls only for the one you want as the rest would already have max scrolls.

2 years ago

Honestly, sounds a bit stupid, but can someone recommend a quick Mino 15 team? I am very endgame and just realized I still take 1 min to do each run, that’s ages in Mino grind

2 years ago
Reply to  SlabakBG

For me Magnarr does it in between 30 and 40 seconds

2 years ago
Reply to  malinasu

What, solo? How? :D

2 years ago
Reply to  SlabakBG

Your farming team will be 4 champs, the 5th is the scroll collector. With that in mind, just bring 2 AOE decrease def, and round out the rest with AOE nukers. Ideally round 1 starts with AOE decrease def, then a nuke. Round 2 will start with an A1 from you first Dec. Def champ and 1st nuker, then your second Dec. Def and nuker go to work. Round 3 may start with a few A1’s but will quickly be back to Dec. Def and Nukes.
Of course there are MANY ways to speed farm Mino, and this one won’t be the fastest, but it should be under 30 seconds if you are an end game account.

2 years ago
Reply to  SlabakBG

By having midgame gear. I’m soloing with Staltus rn. And for now just go with 1 dec def, 2 nukers, masterie farm person and a support/a third nuker depending on gear.

Christian Schellschmidt
Christian Schellschmidt
2 years ago
Reply to  SlabakBG

Solo with a char means that you can add 4 chars to level and collect rolls. That give you the best exp gain per Energy.

1 year ago

It’s quite possible to equip a full team of newly ascended 6-star champs and have ALL of them gaining xp and scrolls. Around 780 runs are needed in all and just shy of 11k energy. These will generate just over 3.5m silver.
Note that after 480 of those runs, the champs will all level from 1 to 60. So, for maximum efficiency, consider levelling most from 5 stars or sooner. For example, 200 mino runs will take champs from 1 to 50 and net just under another 1.5m silver