Published On: December 7, 2021
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Hydra Season 1 is coming… TOMORROW!!

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We’ve just received confirmation from Plarium Community Manager’s that the 5.0 patch will be released today, and season 1 of Hydra will begin tomorrow (December 8th)

So stay tuned over the coming days as we will be pumping out information regarding Hydra, team compositions, and how best to approach your first steps into the Hydra!

We have a great video on the HH Gaming YouTube Channel where Saphyrra goes into detail about the Hydra, and what to expect!

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3 years ago

Did some work on Hydra today. One thing I noticed is that I had a very hard time targeting the head on the right. (I use an ipad to play)
I was in manual mode and trying to focus attacks on a head that ate a champ. In many cases, the head that was attacked was the 2rd from the left. Therefore, I could not get enough damage done to release the champ. (However, the hydra head I was hitting was getting low in health.)
If this continues, I will spend little to no time on the hydra…
Curious if anyone else noticed this?

3 years ago
Reply to  Zepeda

Hey bro, the problem is that the head on the far right has an ability that redirects 75% of attacks aimed at it to other heads. If needs to be hexed for it to hit 100% of the time. I have seen a crazy amount of complaints about this and it is not a bug, if you go over the “Mischief” head of the Hydra, click its third ability and you can read all about it. Hope this keeps some sanity, good luck!

3 years ago
Reply to  Zepeda

It happens because of this>
Almighty Mischief [Passive]:
Has a 75% chance of redirecting an enemy attack onto another random Head. Will not occur if this Head is under a [Hex] debuff.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zepeda

It’s because one of the heads (the mischeief one, I believe) purposely messes with your targeting.

From the description :

“Almighty Mischief [Passive]:
Has a 75% chance of redirecting an enemy attack onto another random Head. Will not occur if this Head is under a [Hex] debuff.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Zepeda

Passive ability: “Has a 75% chance of redirecting an enemy attack onto another random Head. Will not occur if this Head is under a [Hex] debuff.”

3 years ago

I have the same issue with the rightmost head, it is extremely difficult to target. In such a demanding fight this is far from helpful for sure…

3 years ago

I also had some issues targeting heads, but also remember that the mischief head will redirect attacks to other heads. Way to often it seemed that it was this head that did the first swallow, making it basically impossible to prevent losing the champion.

3 years ago

Mischief head is a thorn in my side, but this is what I have Ruel for.