Published On: March 3, 2023
Start your Raid Journey Today!

Kael’s Path Event – Raid Shadow Legends


Starting tomorrow (4/3/23) until (7/3/23) We will have Kael’s path, and last time on Athel’s path we all rushed to get that Legendary Skill tome so hopefully Raid bless us with that again!

All these starter champion’s paths are celebrating Raid’s 4 year anniversary and this is the last hero path.

We don’t know the rewards yet but as soon as they are released we will update this space so check back to see what is worth going for and what you can skip.

We know for the F2P series we have limited resources so to make sure you only get the rewards that suit your account the best! For Lockers, he is yet to pull a blessing for Kael so he will target the Blessings and try to get all 3 stars to get more damage output out of Kael!

We are all praying there will be a Legendary Skill tome or a Void/Sacred shard at the bottom of the Path so we can all aim for the max reward!

**EDIT** – There is not a Legendary Tome available, instead it is a Rank – 5 Chicken, which is still great, but nowhere near as valuable as a Legendary book in the long-term for many accounts. 

The Objectives are:

  • Get Artifacts and Accessories
  • Upgrade Artifacts and Accessories

This means running dungeons is a good source of points whilst getting some new gear to add to your collection. Campaign will give you minimal points however the energy cost is less so it may be more beneficial, but we won’t know this until we see the points per artifact.

You’ll need to stockpile your silver for this event so we also recommend running Spider as you’ll get points for artifacts plus silver for selling any unwanted pieces of gear.

This may also be a good time to Gear your heroes that you’ve been putting off because you’ll have to double dip in order to get max value of this event!

Our final thoughts

This is a good event for everyone! Even F2P should push their boundaries to get as fair as they can in this event! Try and hit that bottom reward as it’ll give you some juicy rewards and hit one path at a time either go for the blessing or take the champion!

Good Luck!

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