Published On: August 30, 2022
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Light Divinity Blessings!

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Here we are with another update about Blessings! This time Plarium has given more information on the Light Divinity Blessing options!

Like dawn ever banishes the night, so too the power of Light prevails against the vile spawn of Shadow. Align your Champions with the purest Divinity and let your foes burn in the flames of Lumaya’s wrath!


Rare Blessings:

May be an image of text that says "INDOMITABLE SPIRIT RARITY:Rare RARITY: DIVINITY OF LIGHT Has a chance of blocking any [Stun), [Sleep], and [Fear] debuffs whenever an enemy tries to place them on this Champion. M"

May be an image of text that says "RARITY: Rare MIRACLE HEAL DIVINITY OF LIGHT Has a chance of restoring a portion of any destroyed HP whenever this Champion heals themselves or an ally. The amount of HP restored is equal to a percentage of the heal. M"


Epic Blessings:

May be an image of text that says "IRON WILL RARITY: Epic DIVINITY OF LIGHT Decreases the damage this Champion receives from enemy skills activated by other skills or when enemies inflict damage when it is not their turn. M"

May be an image of text that says "RARITY: Epic HEAVENCAST DIVINITY OF LIGHT Debuffs placed by this Champion's default skill will ignore a percentage of the target's RES. M"


Legendary Blessings:

May be an image of text that says "INTIMIDATING PRESENCE RARITY: Legendary DIVINITY OF LIGHT Strengthens your team's Aura and weakens the enemy team's Aura. If multiple Champions on the same team have Intimidating Presence, only one will work. If Champions on the same team have both the Intimidating Presence and Commanding Presence Blessings, only Intimidating Presence will work. M"

May be an image of text


Let us know what you think about these Dark Divinity blessings in the comments down below! Do you think that you will use any of these on your Champions?

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