Published On: October 27, 2022
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New Halloween Promo Code in Raid Shadow Legends

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Plarium and the team at Raid Shadow Legends have just released a new promotional code on their social media channels. To unlock this code you need to scan a QR code to reveal it.

What is in the promo code?

This promo code will give you 100x auto battles, 3 days of bonus XP, 3x energy refills, and 250k silver.

Promo Rewards

How to claim the promo code:

To find out what this promo code was Plarium posted an image on their social media that you had to scan the QR code to unlock. Luckily for you, if you do not know how QR codes work does not worry we have done it for you!


To claim this code all you need to do is open Raid Shadow Legends, go to the Promo Code section in the menu, and put in the word: LookBehindYou

These promo codes in Raid Shadow Legends pop up all the time so make sure that you follow them on all social media to stay up to date, or, alternatively check back here soon as we always post codes when we find them!

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2 years ago

thanks for this cool way to share promo codes, keep up the good work!

2 years ago

Do we know when the code is ending? I could really use those multis for FK and the xp boost for champ training.