Published On: January 3, 2023
Start your Raid Journey Today!

Promo Codes & Events to Start 2023


The team at Plarium and Raid Shadow Legends are back to work after the Christmas and New Year break and it looks like they are hitting the ground running with a collection of events to keep you busy in the game.

Prime Gaming Drop 3

For a limited time only, Raid Shadow Legends is collaborating with Prime Gaming for 6 unique drops. This drop will be the 3rd one to become available to Prime Gaming Subscribers.

Drop 3 of the Prime Gaming Giveaway will be 500 energy, 1,000,000 Silver, 200 Multi-Battles and 3-day 100% exp boost. This pack will go live on the 4th of January and will be available through the Prime Gaming Drop website, so don’t miss out on collecting this pack.

New Player Starter Pack Codes

There is a new Promo Code has been added to Raid Shadow Legends with a rather crazy boost to new accounts. This code will give you Deacon Armstrong, 24 brews 1x Epic Skill Tome, and 200k silver to start your account.

Promo Code: Superpowers (this is only for NEW accounts)

New Promo

In addition to this insane promo code – if you use Promo Code: Mordecai you can get your hands on Mordecai who is another insane champion for your starting roster. However, it is important to know that Deacon Armstrong is going to help you out a lot more on an early account.

Legendary Summon Party

If all this news in one go wasn’t enough. Raid Shadow Legends are also running a new summoning event during the current Clan vs Clan window.

From 9 am UTC, Tuesday, January 3rd, to Wednesday, January 4th, Raid Shadow Legends are giving you a 10x chance of summoning Wythir the Crowned from Sacred and Ancient Shards.

Then, from 9am UTC on Wednesday the 4th of January, there will be a 10x chance of Summoning Tramaria from Void Shards for 24 hours.

Coming off the back of the heaviest summoning weekend in Raid Shadow Legends history, we are not sure that many people will have too many shards left, however, this is a decent chance to pull some solid champions for your accounts and boost your CvC score at the same time. Are you planning to pull shards in this event? Do you even have any left? Let us know in the comments below!

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1 year ago

Free Deacon!? I am beginning to move into the late game now and I would LOVE a Deacon! As an early game account he would be absolutely massive! With him AND Ronda up for grabs right now maybe I will start my referral accounts after all.

1 year ago

Deacon is insane… that’s awesome. Great time to get new homies on board.

1 year ago

i tried to start a new f2p account and when i enter this code it says must be a new account. i tried to enter it right after the starter intro / in game tutorial.
not sure if i did something wromg.

Joel Gittins
Joel Gittins
1 year ago
Reply to  hosskiller3

Have you already submitted the Mordecai one? I Just did it and works, Can only do one at a time

1 year ago

Two new amazing champs in codes….. only for beginners. Are they hurting or something? Honestly, these are champs anyone in mid/end game would love, so to just hand them to beginners and lock out the rest seems kind of crappy. My wife has been playing for a couple months and is struggling on spider as she has no spider champ, she’s going to HATE this lol.

1 year ago
Reply to  Deathnaught

I agree should be for all

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
1 year ago

Aiuti e bonus ai principianti e agli eletti….ma bricioli a chi è nel mezzo!!!Non mi piace proprio. Dalle schegge,casomai dovesse uscire un Lego,ci date quello che non serve!!!

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
1 year ago


1 year ago

Go for Mordecai… no way.. it’s a must to go in Spider 25.. and other Dungeons and every were .. Burn HP it’s top Deacon i can beat him in pvp with rares..

1 year ago

Beginners had other champions before.. like Ninja, UDK, Deliana… now the can’s compete .. so Ronda and a combo with Mordecai or Deacon may help new players.. nothing to do with other problems with the game .. better for the survival of the games.. otherwise new players will quit the game after few days..

Antonio Manocchio
Antonio Manocchio
1 year ago
Reply to  Torhild

Non lasceranno il gioco i nuovi giocatori ma lo faranno quelli che giocano da tempo!!!

1 year ago

Lo fanno per ben altri motivi che riguardano l’esosità di Plarium che punta a spennare i giocatori e far spendere di più chi già spende con le ultime novità introdotte nel gioco che penalizzano chi spende poco, i F2P. e i giocatori MidGame .. non per un promo code… comunque su un parco giocatori di circa 50 mililioni solo per Raid… non vedo una fine vicina del gioco..