Path of Vengeance
Raid have just announced their Path of Vengeance which starts today and we are about to break it down so you know what the best path to take to get the most out of your rewards! So with this event there are 6 different paths that you can take, 4 of them need to be unlocked with keys and the other 2 need 750 points to start your journey.
Each player will likely be looking at choosing a different Path because each player will be playing a unique experience of the game. Some players may be F2P and not have the ability to complete the event where as some may be high-end game players with resources and seeing a 5* Artak soul may come to some use. Therefore you will need to think about which camp you fall into and not push too hard. Some players may not be fussed about the Awakening on Artak and just want the other rewards that this Path has to offer.
Basics of this event are, if you have a 3 star Artak soul already then going for the 4 star is not a bad expense and may be worth your time and resources but to achieve the whole 5* from scratch is an extreme push and it will cost you a lot of resources and time that you need to be willing to put in. Oil is a good option if you don’t need the Artak soul stones for the lucky players that have summoned him from the Alter of Souls. Also the Legendary books are achievable but are going to require a bit of time and attention.
Luckily Raid have released the event so you can push to what you see fit on your account so if you think the 2* Soul is achievable then you only need to push that far but if you see other areas achievable then push to your comforts.
You have 1 week to get as many points as possible so if you want the souls then you need to put the work in to get as far down the path as possible.
Ways to Obtain Coins:
We want to let you know how to get the coins. There are 3 ways to get them, getting artifacts, levelling artifacts and summoning Soulstones.
These are the basic ways but lets get into the nitty gritty and do the math to see what we are really dealing with here.
As you can see below we have the table of points that you can acquire from getting Artifacts. The lowest you can get is 8 points for a 1* Common piece and the highest you can get is 64 from a 6* Mythical piece. But most likely if you are campaign Farming to get your champions levelled then you’ll be sitting at roughly 13-20 Points a run. So let’s say you are getting 16 points per 8 energy it will take you to get the 2* Soul 19,750 points so you’ll need to do 1234 runs which will cost you 9875 energy. Throughout the week-long event you get 260 plus any additional a day from free energy refills and how much you start with when you log in. But you can get coins from other methods as well so all hope is not lost.
Now say you are Dungeon Farming, you want to hit stage 20 for the best points-to-energy/time ratio as it will give you the best coins in the least time-consuming way. The Average points you’ll get from farming stage 20 of any dungeon is 30 so on average it’ll take you 660 runs to get the 2* Artak Soul. For a newer player if you just focused on farming stage 20 then it is achievable, especially with other ways to obtain coins.
The most logical dungeon stage 20 to farm is Ice Golem so you can double dip in the rewards for the Turn Attack Tournament, there are so average rewards but more stuff is more stuff so why not double dip and grab some of the goodies on the way and try to climb the leaderboard because who knows you may surprise yourself and climb high on the leaderboard and grab yourself some more free rewards. But if you struggle with the Ice Golem then turn to Spider 20 as this is the best place to farm Silver as the Artifacts sell for more and Spider drops more silver anyway. This way you can get more coins by upgrading Artifacts but more on that below!
If you are going for the full Artak Soul then you need to be prepared to do over 3900 runs in Stage 20 providing this being the only way you go about getting coins. you would need around 62500 energy to get this done so you best use your saved energy and get cracking if this is the route you are choosing.
To level artifacts it will cost you a lot of Silver from 1-2 million per level 16 depending on how good your luck and RNG is. You may be the luckiest person in the world and the artifact levels in one hit but you may be the unluckiest and it may take 50 so with this you need to take the levels of Silver needed as a judgement but always prepare for the worst then when it goes well it can be a pleasant surprise for you! With that in mind levelling a 6* legendary piece will likely cost you 2 million silver per piece so you need to have your silver built up or you need to get into Spider and get that resource up!
As you can see by the point table levelling a rank 6 piece from level 0 to 16 will grant you 960 points for around 2-2.5 million silver. That is just the realist price you’ll have to pay. So if it is any time to upgrade your champions and you have the silver reserve then you should get involved and level your gear because that extra 960 points may be the difference between you getting that 5* soul or not. We recommend levelling gear as a secondary way to getting points because farming them in Dungeon 20 is better as you may pick up some new gear that is better than your preexisting gear. So you may want to level up that instead.
If you needed an excuse to upgrade your clan boss team then this may be the one to do it if you want that Artak Soul.
The third and final way to obtain coins is from summoning Soul Stones, now they are starting to add Soulstone Summoning into Paths and other events so we may start seeing this as a norm but for now we see it in this event as a way to get coins but and this is a big but, it is the worst way to get coins. Even if you have loads and loads the other ways are a lot more beneficial just more time consuming because as we break down the maths we will show you that it will cost you your soul to get from this method.
To get the full 5* soul it will cost you 1220 Mortal soulstones or 81 Immortal or 16 Eternal. Now of course you can mix and match but who has that meant souls sitting around, it is an obscene amount even for hoarders. Luckily you can pull stones as an add-on to the other methods. To get all the paths you’d need 1628 Mortal stones which is just crazy to think. or 22 Eternal which are ridiculous to try and get hold of, most players accounts only have a couple or have never seen an Eternal on their account.
But we think it is best to hold off summoning with stones and wait until a Soul summon rush.
So you have seen all the different ways to obtain coins realistically if you combine all methods then it will roughly cost you around 75 mill silver, 10k energy and 100-200 Soulstones. This is for the full Artak 5* soul. So do with this information as you will but good luck!
The Different Paths
The 2 that require points to start with end with Greater oil used to ascend artifacts are good if you don’t fancy going for the Soul. You need 5800 coins which is easily obtainable for the oils so if you want some easier rewards then head down this tree. But you will struggle to get the souls if you take these first, so if you still want the souls then you should try and get the souls and leave the oils till an afterthought.
You need to do the souls in order because the split souls can only be added after each level which is annoying but plan the paths carefully do the 2* then 3* and so on in order so you can get as many as possible and not require the missing ones. Otherwise, you will have wasted the soul.
But down each path is good rewards such as a 5* chicken and an anciant shard. So it isn’t an awful idea to try and get as far as you can down each path to pick up the extra rewards! Deffinatly on a F2P account these will come in handy.
Quick overview:
This is a good event to try and get the souls, don’t use soulstones to get it unless they are really last resort. Farm Stage 20 dungeons and double dip or b uild up your Silver. And you have a week to get this event done! Catch Hellhades thoughts here
Good Luck and let us know below your thoughts on the Path of Vengeance.
The fact it runs for 7d is a decent upgrade to these path events . Splitting the soul was nice too since not everyone has it at the same awakening level .. But 40k pts ontop of everything else to get previous soul is a little on the heavy side , couldve been 25k-30k pts instead
Which blessing should I pick for him? Not brimstone, I already have that blessing on plenty others..
So I did the center path for the 5 star soul then saw your video that suggested I couldn’t use the 5 star until I was at the 4 level. After some choice profanities I finished the 5 star path then prepared to start on the 2 star (I only had a one star soul for ARTAK). Then as I was kicking myself I noticed that the Altar of Souls was lit and peeked in to see what was up. The “Awaken” tab was lit so I clicked it and there was the 5 star ARTAK soul. I thought I’d try it just in case and lo and behold I have a 5 star soul ARTAK. It didn’t require that I be at Soul level 4 before I got the 5 – I was at Level 1 and still could activate the 5 star soul. So you can do it without doing all of the paths as long as you have the 1 star soul in place:)
Calling bullshit on your post. …Unless it was bugged and quietly fixed. Tried it with a 3 star, did not work on a 1star fully ascended Artak. Will wait for the 2 star to show up in market, which was my original plan…
Summoning gives you perfect souls which don’t require any prior lvl ascension. The ones in the event are split souls and split souls require that you be ascended to the previous lvl – 5 star requires lvl 4, 4 star requires lvl 3, so on and so forth. You can tell the difference between soul type by the stars that are filled in red i.e. perfect souls all stars are filled red & split souls only the final star is.