Published On: January 5, 2023
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Plarium Point System – Is it worth it?


Today we’re going to be breaking down the new Plarium Points System, to see if it is a worthwhile addition to the game, and how it will benefit all of our accounts, both spenders and Free to Players, across both Plarium Play and Mobile devices.

Plarium have stated that this system is across all platforms, but that Plarium Play users would receive extra benefit from it.


What are the rewards?

As we announced yesterday, you are able to acquire a new Legendary Champion from this system, as well as the resources to awaken her to 4/6 stars, which is a huge boost, but of course, this will take time to acquire!

As a Champion, Searsha the Charred looks good but is not game-changing, and in fact, may be slightly underwhelming when compared with existing Champions like Walking Tomb Dreng and Mordecai.

Once you complete the first section and earn yourself Searsha, you will move on to earning some 6* Legendary Artifacts, before moving on to the Souls to awaken your Searsha.


How do we get these points?

There are a few ways to get these Plarium Points to get yourself on the way to these rewards, some of them free-to-play friendly, and others the furthest thing from it.

  • 2500 Plarium Points (Purchasable 2x a week) for £44.99 (Prices may vary depending on Region)
  • Advanced Quests – We are yet to see these, so cannot comment on how many are available here.
  • Shop (Plarium Play ONLY) – Every time you purchase a pack in Raid, you will obtain Plarium Points relative to the price of the pack.
  • Play Time Rewards – Each day you can earn 3 points from playing the game, Plarium Play users will be able to earn an ADDITIONAL 3 points, whereas mobile users will be capped at the 3 points.

Plarium Play vs Mobile

Quite simply put, this system is really bad for mobile players, and feels like a massive push towards people using Plarium Play.

As it stands, it looks like it will take over 20 years to acquire Searsha as a Free to play mobile player, which we are almost certain will not stay the case, there will be access to Plarium Points in other ways, through tournaments, events, and maybe more methods.

But if you are a spending player, it would be smart to make all of your purchases through Plarium Play rather than your mobile for the time being.


Let us know what you think of this system in the comments below.

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Paladynka Paladynka
Paladynka Paladynka
2 years ago

We need to get 25K Plarium points, which is a lot – we get them for

a) time spent in the game (another shit forcing the player to “be” in the game) and for
b) doing “Advanced” quests every day.

Play for free, that’s
it is difficult to estimate how many points we will get by playing every day systematically – I suppose not very much – maybe 100, maybe a hundred +

As it is easy to calculate, playing every day, systematically and doing all Advanced tasks, we will get
“Searsh The Charred” after about a year of playing.

This time can be shortened when there is an opportunity to earn a small amount of points in events or in some free promotions, but in the global assessment it will not affect the speed of obtaining Searsh, because it will be long months anyway.

To answer your question (subject) – I play systematically anyway and do all Advabced, I will get these rewards by the way and after a few long months I will get Searsha.

For me, a change for a big plus, because for what I do now and how I play now, I will simply get additional rewards.

2 years ago

The rewards didn’t seem to be very great in the first “tree”, and the only way to get Plarium Points quickly is through spending money in game ON Plarium Play (probably to encourage purchasing through them rather than via google / apple stores).

The champion seems cool, probably pretty useful for clan boss / spider, but nothing that can’t be done with other champs. Personally for the price, I don’t intend to get her soon, and don’t mind….

The only issue I would have with it is if they started putting Plarium Points in place of other rewards in events.

I think this is kind of like a “cool bonus” to get rid of transaction fees from google / apple play store transactions, for players who can spend on PC… I don’t think it’s anything too crazy, personally, but I will spend through PC instead of mobile now because… why not?

2 years ago

as a FTP player, only get 12 points a day. 9 points for Playtime + 3 for the advanced quests) so going to take a few years, but im sure there will be tournament rewards etc.
like other people said you just get points for doing what you do anyway
you can play the game on your mobile or tablet and then just leave it open on a laptop for 2 hours to get those additional 6 points.
if you are spender, just spend using Plarium Player instead of the App store or Google store.
you get approximately 5 points for each $1.50AUD, or i’m guessing around $1 USD
eg Monthly Shard Pack 250 points, Starter Pack or Daily Gem Pack 50 points. Sacred Daily Pack 150 points

2 years ago

As stated 12 points per day for FTP or 500 USD over 5 weeks buying the plarium play points packs. 5000USD buying other packs in the store. With the 50 point gift and 12 points a day it will take 205 days to get as a FTP payer This is just another cash grab for a not even mediocre champion.

2 years ago

Malevolent 100% agree on the cash grab comment

1 year ago

I have Searsha the Charred and she’s at 4 stars. I’m scared to even guess to how much I must have spent and played to get her and all the some useless and some good rewards till the end where you get 4-star awakening which I recall is i think 25K points. After that the next section is Artifact ascension Oils 1453/21000 points. I hate when they give out crap that you can mine or campaign for. Then the next group is Awakening Items, 3 days of XP (ooh, wow) some silver more multi-battles which I like but would rather get it in an event then rather than working or I mean spending my way to get 2170 points for a single 50 multi-battle. Joy! yet this has soul stones. rarity charms spirit potions (again which I can mine myself). I mean it’s just that you’re not working towards a champion for that matter a useless one. These are all things you can get and earn. I’d rather spend 20 bucks to get a bunch of multi-battles then a few hundred bucks to get one 50 muti-battle. STUPID!
Well that’s my “unbiased” take on it…