Raid Shadow Legends Champion Spotlight: Occult Brawler
Occult Brawler is a spirit affinity, hp-based epic champion from the Ogyrn tribe faction. From the day he graced our presence by joining the game he has been considered to be one of the best poisoners for clan boss.
He is surprisingly quite underrated as a single target nuke with his A2 ability and has a high hp base stat, his defence base stat however is ridiculously low, and it’s quite hard to gear him and build up his defence to a good level due to this.
Occult Brawler’s passive is what makes him so great in clan boss, at the start of each turn, he places a 2.5% poison on himself with a 70% chance for a 5% poison debuff on a random enemy, which is perfect in clan boss as its only one enemy, this isn’t affected by negative affinity either so fear not for weak hits.
His A2 is pretty cool if you intend on playing on manual so you can make sure you get all the necessary debuffs, but it really is not the be-all and end-all as it’s so unreliable, we actually recommend turning off his A2 for Clan boss.
His A1 is what it’s all about as he has a 50% chance of placing a poison on an enemy, however, if you were planning on using him with a counter attacker, you’d do a lot better replacing him with frozen banshee if you have her as she has a 100% chance to place poisons and is generally a much better champion in a counter-attack setup.
He is best geared in lifesteal, accuracy or speed gear, since he’ll be used in Clan boss, you’ll want to pick up Warmaster on him for the extra damage, although the majority of his damage does come from his poison debuffs, so make sure you have enough accuracy for the content you’re facing.
All in all, Occult Brawler is completely useless in spiders, amazing in Clan boss, and can be very useful against Dragon (especially stage 25 due to him being positive affinity) – He can also serve semi-useful for Ice Golem due to his block revive on his A2 ability.
Sorcerous Razor [ATK]
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of placing a 5% Poison debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Curse Eater [ATK] – 4 Turn Cooldown
Attacks 1 enemy. If this champion is under 1 or more debuffs, this attacks ignores 30% of enemy DEF. If this champion is under 2 or more debuffs, enemies killed by this skill cannot be revived. If this champion is under 3 or more debuffs, this attacks is always critical. If this champion is under 4 or more debuffs, this champion heals by 30% of the damage inflicted. If this champion is under 5 or more debuffs, grants an Extra Turn. Removes all debuffs from this champion after the attack.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +5%
Level 6: Cooldown -1
Ruination Ritual (Passive)
Places a 2.5% Poison debuff on this champion for 4 turns at the start of each turn. Has a 70% chance of placing a 5% Poison debuff on a random enemy for 4 turns at the start of each turn.
Would love to pull