Hansel Witchhunter
Last Updated: October 31, 2024
Hansel Witchhunter Overview
After escaping the clutches of an evil witch in the Mistwood forests, Hansel vowed to eliminate others like her, earning the title of The Witch Hunter. As the counterpart to Gretal Hagbane, the Halloween Fusion champion, Hansel’s powers grow even stronger when they fight together, wiping out anyone in their path. Hansel Witchhunter is an Attack champion from the Sacred Order faction.
Hansel’s abilities focus on dealing heavy damage while disrupting enemy skills with his Baneful Burst. His A3 is an AOE attack that ignores 15% of the enemy’s Defence and increases the cooldown of a random skill by 2 turns. When paired with Gretal, this becomes even more powerful, ignoring 30% Defence, increasing all enemy skill cooldowns, and becoming irresistible. This combination not only prevents enemies from using their dominant effects, but also allows you to manipulate the skills of high resistance targets. Hansel’s A2 inflicts a double hit on a single target, ignoring Shields and Unkillable buffs, and grants an Extra Turn if the target is killed. This is particularly useful in Arena for taking out champions like Leorius, allowing Hansel to chain his attacks and potentially wipe out the rest of the team with his A3.
Hansel’s passive allows him to reflect any Fear or True Fear debuffs placed on him, and this extends to Gretal when she’s on the team. This makes him an excellent counter against champions like Ultimate Deathknight and Harvest Jack, as well as Hydra’s Head of Torment. The active part of his passive automatically triggers Baneful Burst [A3] when Gretal is killed, forcing enemies to reconsider killing her. His A1 can also apply Weaken, which pairs with Gretal’s Decrease Defence, and becomes AOE when they’re together, making it effective against both waves and bosses. Additionally, Hansel lands extra hits on enemies that are already under debuffs with this skill. While primarily an Arena champion, he’s also effective for clearing waves, Faction Wars, Siege battles, and even stages in the Cursed City.
Hansel Witchhunter PVE Masteries
Hansel Witchhunter PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Hansel Witchhunter Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Lethal/Savage, Cruel, Merciless, Perception
Recommended PVP Stats
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Lethal/Savage, Cruel, Merciless, Stoneskin