Last Updated: May 4, 2024
Psylar Overview
Psylar is a Void affinity Epic from the Dark Elves faction. She is a beast in Spider, Arena and Faction Wars! Her turn meter abilities ensure she gives your team the upper hand and with all AOE abilities she can also become a control champion if placed in a stun or daze set.
In the Arena she is designed to go 2nd to slow the enemies and allow your damage dealers more time to get their turn.
Overall she is one of my favourite epics and a dead cert for most accounts trying to beat spider!
Psylar PVE Masteries
Psylar PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Psylar Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Speed, Accuracy, HP%, C.RATE
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Speed, Accuracy, Perception, Stun, Daze
Recommended PVP Stats
Speed, Accuracy, HP%, C.RATE
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Speed, Accuracy, Perception, Stun, Daze